using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

using miew.Enumerable;
using miew.ReadOnly;

namespace miew.Tokenization
	using String = System.String;

	/// <summary>
	/// A general purpose contiguous span covering one or more "positions" which use zero-based indexing.
	/// Uses below distinguish character spans (spans of characters in a string) from token spans (spans of tokens
	/// in a sequence of tokens)
	/// This structure does not represent empty spans.
	/// </summary>
	public struct Span : IEquatable<Span>
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize a Span with the specified inclusive start and ending index positions
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="i_start">zero-based inclusive start index position</param>
		/// <param name="i_end">zero-based inclusive end index position</param>
		public Span(int i_start, int i_end)
			if (i_end < i_start)
				throw new TypeInitializationException(typeof(Span).ToString(), new ArgumentException("End index must be greater than or equal to start index."));
			if (i_start < 0)
				throw new TypeInitializationException(typeof(Span).ToString(), new ArgumentException("Start index must be non-negative."));
			this.i_start = i_start;
			this.i_end = i_end;

		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize a Span object with the specified staring index position and length
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="i">zero-based starting and ending index position</param>
		public Span(int i_start, uint length)
			: this(i_start, i_start + (short)length - 1)

		int i_start, i_end;

		/// <summary>
		/// Spans have a minimum length of 1
		/// </summary>
		public int Length { get { return i_end - i_start + 1; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// Inclusive zero-based starting index
		/// </summary>
		public int StartIndex { get { return i_start; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// Inclusive zero-based ending index, could be the same as the start index.
		/// </summary>
		public int EndIndex { get { return i_end; } }

		public override int GetHashCode() { return i_end ^ (i_start << 16); }
		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return obj is Span && Equals((Span)obj);
		public bool Equals(Span other)
			return i_start == other.i_start && i_end == other.i_end;
		public static bool operator ==(Span x, Span y) { return x.Equals(y); }
		public static bool operator !=(Span x, Span y) { return !x.Equals(y); }
		public static Span operator +(Span x, Span y)
			if (x.i_end + 1 == y.i_start)
				return new Span(x.StartIndex, y.EndIndex);
			if (y.i_end + 1 == x.i_start)
				return new Span(y.StartIndex, x.EndIndex);
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
		public bool Overlaps(Span other)
			return (other.i_start <= this.i_end && this.i_end <= other.i_end) ||
				   (this.i_start <= other.i_end && other.i_end <= this.i_end);
		public static Span OuterSpan(params Span[] rgsp)
			int i_min = int.MaxValue;
			int i_max = int.MinValue;
			foreach (Span sp in rgsp)
				if (sp.i_start < i_min)
					i_min = sp.i_start;
				if (sp.i_end > i_max)
					i_max = sp.i_end;
			return new Span(i_min, i_max);

		/// <summary>
		/// The range of indexes used by the Span
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<int> Range
			get { return System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(i_start, Length); }

		public override string ToString()
			return String.Format("[{0} {1}]", i_start, i_end);

		public static IEnumerable<Span> FromIndexList(IEnumerable<int> list)
			var ie = list.OrderByDistinct().GetEnumerator();
			if (!ie.MoveNext())
				yield break;
			int i_start = ie.Current;
			int i_prev = i_start;
			while (ie.MoveNext())
				int i = ie.Current;
				if (i != i_prev + 1)
					yield return new Span(i_start, i_prev);
					i_start = i;
				i_prev = i;
			yield return new Span(i_start, i_prev);

	public interface ICharacterSpan
		Span CharacterSpan { get; }
		String Text { get; }

	public interface ITokenSpan : ICharacterSpan
		Span TokenSpan { get; }

	/// <summary>
	/// ITokenizers return their results as a set of TokenizerTokens
	/// </summary>
	public struct CharacterSpanToken : IEquatable<CharacterSpanToken>, ICharacterSpan
		public CharacterSpanToken(int i_start, int i_end)
			this.span = new Span(i_start, i_end);
			this.modified = null;

		public CharacterSpanToken(Span span, String modified)
			if (modified != null && modified.Length != span.Length)
				Debug.Print("Warning: The replacement text {0} contains a different number of characters than the span it replaces in the source {1}.", modified, span);
			this.span = span;
			this.modified = modified;

		public CharacterSpanToken(Span span)
			this.span = span;
			this.modified = null;

		/// <summary>
		/// Character span in the source text
		/// </summary>
		Span span;
		public Span CharacterSpan { get { return span; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// A tokenizer can return replacement text which will be associated with the parse token. If this is
		/// null, the text is retrieved according to the span in the source text.
		/// </summary>
		String modified;
		public String Text { get { return modified; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// helper function converts an array of strings to a sequence of abutting character spans.
		/// </summary>
		static public IEnumerable<ICharacterSpan> GetStringArraySpans(IEnumerable<String> word_array, int cch_sep)
			int i = 0;
			foreach (String w in word_array)
				if (w.Length > 0)
					yield return new CharacterSpanToken(i, i + w.Length - 1);
				i += w.Length + cch_sep;

		public bool Equals(CharacterSpanToken other)
			return span.Equals(other.span) && modified == other.modified;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			throw new Exception("--> use strongly typed IEquatable<T> instead");

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return (modified == null ? 0 : modified.GetHashCode()) ^ span.GetHashCode();

		public override string ToString()
			return String.Format("{0} [{1}]", span, modified);

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public struct TokenSpanToken : ITokenSpan, IEquatable<TokenSpanToken>, IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken>
		public TokenSpanToken(TokenSet ts, String s_subst, Span chr_span, Span tok_span)
			this.ts = ts;
			this.chr_span = chr_span;
			this.tok_span = tok_span;
			this.s_subst = s_subst;
		readonly TokenSet ts;
		readonly Span chr_span;
		readonly Span tok_span;
		readonly String s_subst;

		/// <summary>
		/// The span of characters in the source string that is covered by this token
		/// </summary>
		public Span CharacterSpan
			get { return chr_span; }

		/// <summary>
		/// The span of minimal token spans (e.g. chart positions) that is covered by this token
		/// </summary>
		public Span TokenSpan
			get { return tok_span; }

		/// <summary>
		/// The text of this token
		/// </summary>
		public String Text
			get { return s_subst ?? ts.Source.Text.Substring(chr_span.StartIndex, chr_span.Length); }

		/// <summary>
		/// Owner of this token
		/// </summary>
		public TokenSet Owner { get { return ts; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// True if this is an initial token in the source string.
		/// </summary>
		public bool IsFirst { get { return this.tok_span.StartIndex == 0; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// True if this is a final token in the source string.
		/// </summary>
		public bool IsLast { get { return this.tok_span.EndIndex == ts.MinimalSpanCount - 1; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// Enumerates all tokens in this token's TokenizedString which are strictly right-adjacent to this token.
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken> RightAbuttingTokens()
			int ix = this.tok_span.EndIndex + 1;
			foreach (TokenSpanToken tok in ts)
				if (tok.TokenSpan.StartIndex == ix)
					yield return tok;

		/// <summary>
		/// Enumerates all possible sequences of strictly adjacent tokens to the right of this token
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken>> RightAdjacencySequences()
			foreach (TokenSpanToken tok in RightAbuttingTokens())
				bool f_any = false;
				foreach (IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken> adj in tok.RightAdjacencySequences())
					yield return adj.Prepend(tok);
					f_any = true;
				if (!f_any)
					yield return tok;

		/// <summary>
		/// Enumerates all tokens in this token's TokenizedString which are strictly left-adjacent to this token.
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken> LeftAbuttingTokens()
			int ix = this.tok_span.StartIndex - 1;
			foreach (TokenSpanToken tok in ts)
				if (tok.TokenSpan.EndIndex == ix)
					yield return tok;

		/// <summary>
		/// Enumerates all possible sequences of strictly adjacent tokens to the left of this token
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken>> LeftAdjacencySequences()
			foreach (TokenSpanToken tok in LeftAbuttingTokens())
				bool f_any = false;
				foreach (IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken> adj in tok.LeftAdjacencySequences())
					yield return adj.Append(tok);
					f_any = true;
				if (!f_any)
					yield return tok;

		public override string ToString()
			return String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", CharacterSpan, TokenSpan, Text);

		public bool Equals(TokenSpanToken other)
			return this.ts == other.ts && this.chr_span == other.chr_span && this.tok_span == other.tok_span;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return obj is TokenSpanToken && this.Equals((TokenSpanToken)obj);

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return ts.GetHashCode() ^ (chr_span.GetHashCode() - tok_span.GetHashCode());

		IEnumerator<TokenSpanToken> IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken>.GetEnumerator() { yield return this; }
		System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { yield return this; }

	//public struct Position
	//    public Position(TokenSet ts, int index)
	//    {
	//        this.ts = ts;
	//        this.index = index;
	//    }
	//    public int index;
	//    TokenSet ts;

	/// <summary>
	/// Interface for a tokenizer which is able to report multiple arbitrarily overlapping tokenization hypotheses. The
	/// design currently assumes that each non-overlapping permutation that does not exclude any unblocked tokens is a
	/// distinct hypothesis. Under such a scheme, it is possible for some hypotheses to not consume some character 
	/// positions which are used in other hypotheses.
	/// </summary>
	public interface ITokenizer
		IEnumerable<ICharacterSpan> Tokenize(String s_input);

	/// <summary>
	/// A simple tokenizer which splits text at the position of every instance of the (specified) characters
	/// </summary>
	public class SplitTokenizer : ITokenizer
		readonly Char[] sep_chars;

		public SplitTokenizer(Char[] sep_chars)
			this.sep_chars = sep_chars;

		public IEnumerable<ICharacterSpan> Tokenize(string s_input)
			int ix, ix_prev = 0;
			while ((ix = s_input.IndexOfAny(sep_chars, ix_prev)) != -1)
				if (ix > ix_prev)
					yield return new CharacterSpanToken(ix_prev, ix - 1);
				ix_prev = ix + 1;
			if (s_input.Length > ix_prev)
				yield return new CharacterSpanToken(ix_prev, s_input.Length - 1);

	public class SpaceCharTokenizer : SplitTokenizer
		readonly static Char[] one_space = new Char[] { ' ' };

		public SpaceCharTokenizer()
			: base(one_space)

	/// <summary>
	/// Abstract base class for TokenizedString, which represents a string and its arbitrary collection of tokens,
	/// and TokenizationHypothesis, which represents a covering tokenization solution.
	/// </summary>
	public abstract class TokenSet : IReadOnlyCollection<TokenSpanToken>
		protected readonly TokenSpanToken[] tokens;

		/// <summary>
		/// bypass the minimal coverage calculation and thus allow recording token selections for a covering subset
		/// </summary>
		protected TokenSet(IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken> tokenset_tokens)
			this.tokens = tokenset_tokens as TokenSpanToken[] ?? tokenset_tokens.ToArray();

		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a derived object for the given string and array of character spans. This constructor is
		/// intended for internal use.
		/// </summary>
		protected TokenSet(IEnumerable<ICharacterSpan> tokenizer_tokens)
			/// each character span designates a token. Any number of tokens may overlap or leave gaps in the string 
			/// in an arbitrary fashion. Uncovered gaps are ignored by the minimal token span that is computed, making
			/// them appropriate for representing whitespace.
			ICharacterSpan[] rg_tok = tokenizer_tokens as ICharacterSpan[] ?? tokenizer_tokens.ToArray();

			/// set union of character indexes used by the reported tokens, used to eliminate vacant parts in the next step
			HashSet<int> hs = rg_tok.UnionMany(t => t.CharacterSpan.Range);

			/// create a map of source character indexes to minimal token indexes
			Dictionary<int, int> map = rg_tok
						.Select(sp => sp.CharacterSpan.StartIndex)								// integer character start indexes
						.Union(rg_tok.Select(sp => sp.CharacterSpan.EndIndex + 1))				// union with starts implied by ends
						.Sort()															// sort all pseudostart indexes
						.ReduceAdjacent((i_prev, i_cur) => new Span(i_prev, i_cur - 1))	// find minimal parts
						.Where(sp => hs.Contains(sp.StartIndex))						// eliminate vacant parts
						.SelectMany((sp, ix_tok) => sp.Range.Select(ix_char => new { ix_char, ix_tok }))	// project new indexes
						.ToDictionary(a => a.ix_char, a => a.ix_tok);

			/// create tokens with source character span and remapped minimal token span
			tokens = rg_tok
				.Select(cs => new TokenSpanToken(this, cs.Text, cs.CharacterSpan, new Span(map[cs.CharacterSpan.StartIndex], map[cs.CharacterSpan.EndIndex])))

		public abstract TokenizedString Source { get; }

		public abstract bool IsFullyCovered { get; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Returns true if any tokens overlap each other
		/// </summary>
		public bool AnyOverlaps
				if (tokens.Length <= 1)
					return false;
				for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length - 1; i++)
					if (tokens[i - 1].CharacterSpan.Overlaps(tokens[i].CharacterSpan))
						return true;
				return false;

		/// <summary>
		/// The set union of all character indexes (in the source string) which are referenced by the tokens
		/// </summary>
		public HashSet<int> UsedCharacterIndexes
			get { return tokens.UnionMany(t => t.CharacterSpan.Range); }

		/// <summary>
		/// The set union of all token indexes (in the minimal token spans) which are referenced by the
		/// tokens. By the construction of 'TokenizationString' objects, this set should always be 
		/// uninterestingly equal to the range of integers from 0...MinimalSpanCount-1.
		/// For 'TokenizationHypothesis' objects, which may have selected a subset of those tokens,
		/// the range may have gaps which represent missing coverage vis-a-vis the originating
		/// 'TokenizationString'
		/// </summary>
		public HashSet<int> UsedTokenIndexes
			get { return tokens.UnionMany(t => t.TokenSpan.Range); }

		/// <summary>
		/// The minimal set of non-overlapping (and possibly disjoint) character spans which accomodate 
		/// the reported source tokens **excluding gaps**
		/// calculated in constructor now and saved with the tokens
		/// This function is not intended for main-line use, as it reconstructs the analysis which is now
		/// performed in the constructor
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<Span> MinimalCharacterSpans
				var hs = UsedCharacterIndexes;
				return CharacterBoundarySpans.Where(i => hs.Contains(i.StartIndex));

		/// <summary>
		/// The minimal set of non-overlapping (and possibly disjoint) character spans which accomodate 
		/// the reported tokens **plus gaps between them**
		/// This function is not intended for main-line use, as it reconstructs the analysis which is now
		/// performed in the constructor
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<Span> CharacterBoundarySpans
				return tokens
							.Select(t => t.CharacterSpan.StartIndex)
							.Union(tokens.Select(t2 => t2.CharacterSpan.EndIndex + 1))
							.ReduceAdjacent((i_prev, i_cur) => new Span(i_prev, i_cur - 1));

		/// <summary>
		/// Number of spans referenced by the minimal token spans. This is the minimal number of chart positions needed 
		/// to represent all of the string's token boundaries
		/// </summary>
		public int MinimalSpanCount { get { return tokens.Max(t => t.TokenSpan.EndIndex) + 1; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// IReadOnlyList(Token) implementation
		/// </summary>

		public bool Contains(TokenSpanToken item)
			return System.Array.IndexOf<TokenSpanToken>(tokens, item) != -1;

		public int IndexOf(TokenSpanToken item)
			return System.Array.IndexOf<TokenSpanToken>(tokens, item);

		public TokenSpanToken this[int ix]
			get { return tokens[ix]; }

		public void CopyTo(TokenSpanToken[] array, int arrayIndex)
			foreach (TokenSpanToken t in this)
				array[arrayIndex++] = t;

		/// <summary>
		/// This is the number of tokens, not the number of chart positions required for them, even though they are
		/// frequently equal. The latter is given by MinimalCountSpan.
		/// </summary>
		public int Count { get { return tokens.Length; } }

		public IEnumerator<TokenSpanToken> GetEnumerator()
			return tokens.Cast<TokenSpanToken>().GetEnumerator();

		System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
			return GetEnumerator();

	/// <summary>
	/// A string which carries information about multiple tokenization hypotheses. Tokens can overlap, and/or
	/// there can be gaps in the coverage of the surface string.
	/// </summary>
	public class TokenizedString : TokenSet
		readonly String m_string;

		static IEnumerable<ICharacterSpan> _prepare_char_spans(String s_input, IEnumerable<ICharacterSpan> iecs)

			return iecs.Distinct()
							.Select(tt =>
								if (tt.Text == null)
									String s_subst = s_input.Substring(tt.CharacterSpan.StartIndex, tt.CharacterSpan.Length);
									tt = new CharacterSpanToken(tt.CharacterSpan, s_subst);
								return tt as ICharacterSpan;
							.OrderBy(sp => sp.CharacterSpan.StartIndex)
							.ThenBy(sp => sp.CharacterSpan.EndIndex);

		public TokenizedString(String s_input, IEnumerable<ICharacterSpan> iecs)
			: base(_prepare_char_spans(s_input, iecs))
			/// The source string is never modified from its original form but individual tokens can manifest
			/// substitution text
			m_string = s_input;

		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize a TokenizedString object by tokenizing the given string with the specified tokenizer
		/// </summary>
		public TokenizedString(String s_input, ITokenizer itok)
			: this(s_input, itok.Tokenize(s_input))

		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize a TokenizedString object from an array of strings. The tokens are accepted as-is, but
		/// the surface representation incorporates the specified string as a seprarator between each string.
		/// </summary>
		public TokenizedString(IEnumerable<String> word_array, String separator = null)
			: base(CharacterSpanToken.GetStringArraySpans(word_array, (separator ?? String.Empty).Length))
			m_string = String.Join(separator, word_array);

		/// <summary>
		/// For when the ISpanToken.Text is available, the source string is built from them
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="i_span_toks"></param>
		public TokenizedString(IEnumerable<ICharacterSpan> i_span_toks, String separator = null)
			: base(i_span_toks)
			m_string = String.Join(separator, i_span_toks.Select(ist => ist.Text));

		/// <summary>
		/// The original, unmodified text of the source string.
		/// </summary>
		public String Text { get { return m_string; } }

		public override TokenizedString Source { get { return this; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// Returns true if the tokens leave any uncovered gaps in the source string. 
		/// </summary>
		public bool AnyCharacterGaps
			get { return UsedCharacterIndexes.Count != Text.Length; }

		/// <summary>
		/// All objects of type 'TokenizedString' have fully covering token spans by construction, because the
		/// total coverage of the tokens that are incorporated when the object is built is how the contentful
		/// regions are permanently defined. Subsets of these tokens--which can manifest partial coverage in 
		/// relation to an originating 'TokenizedString'--are represented with the 'TokenizationHypothesis' 
		/// sibling object.
		/// </summary>
		public override bool IsFullyCovered
			get { return true; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Permits access to the text of an arbitrary span in the source string. For one thing, this allows one 
		/// to examine the contents of the gap portions, if desired.
		/// </summary>
		public String SpanText(Span sp)
			return m_string.Substring(sp.StartIndex, sp.Length);

		/// <summary>
		/// This function is not intended for main-line use, as it reconstructs the analysis which is now
		/// performed in the constructor
		/// </summary>
		public Span MinimalSpanToCharacterSpan(Span sp_min)
			return new Span(MinimalCharacterSpans.ElementAt(sp_min.StartIndex).StartIndex,

		public String MinimalSpanText(Span sp_min)
			Span sp_chr = MinimalSpanToCharacterSpan(sp_min);
			return m_string.Substring(sp_chr.StartIndex, sp_chr.Length);

		/// <summary>
		/// Returns those token sequences which fully cover the minimal token spans, if any, as individual single-
		/// coverage hypotheses. Naturally some of these distinct sequences may re-use the same tokens; what this 
		/// function tries to guarantee is that each returned solution has no overlap. If one wishes to allow the 
		/// parser (for example) to take control of token selection, then one can just process the TokenizedString 
		/// to the parser instead, since such tools are expected to rely only on the common base class 'TokenSet'
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<TokenizationHypothesis> Hypotheses
				if (tokens.Length == 0)
					yield break;
				int ix_last = MinimalSpanCount - 1;
				foreach (var s in tokens[0].RightAdjacencySequences().Where(seq => seq.Last().TokenSpan.EndIndex == ix_last))
					yield return new TokenizationHypothesis(this, s);

		public override string ToString()
			return this.Select(tok => String.Format("{{{0}}}{1}", tok.Text, tok.CharacterSpan.ToString())).StringJoin(" ");

	/// <summary>
	/// As discussed above, TokenizedString has the ability to winnow all single coverage tokenization solutions from 
	/// a set of arbitrarily covering tokens (if any). These solutions are kept in this separate wrapper in order to 
	/// record their provenance.
	/// </summary>
	public class TokenizationHypothesis : TokenSet
		TokenizedString ts;

		public TokenizationHypothesis(TokenizedString ts, IEnumerable<TokenSpanToken> tokens)
			: base(tokens)
			this.ts = ts;

		public override TokenizedString Source
			get { return ts; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Returns true if this hypothesis fully covers all minimal span positions of the tokenization
		/// superset (i.e. 'TokenizedString') from which this TokenizationHypothesis was drawn.
		/// </summary>
		public override bool IsFullyCovered
				//return this.UsedTokenIndexes.Count == MinimalSpanCount - 1;
				return this.UsedCharacterIndexes.Count == ts.UsedCharacterIndexes.Count;

#if false
	public class TestTokenizer2 : ITokenizer
		public IEnumerable<TokenizerToken> Tokenize(string s_input)
			yield return new TokenizerToken(7, 9);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(2, 4);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(2, 6);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(5, 5);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(6, 6);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(7, 10);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(7, 8);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(8, 8);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(9, 9);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(1, 1);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(0, 3);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(9, 11);
			yield return new TokenizerToken(4, 4);

	static void rpt(TokenizedString ts)
		Console.WriteLine(@"input: [{0}]
any gaps:	{2}
any overlaps:	{3}
Minimal Span Count: {4}
Minimal Character Spans:
Minimal Spans Including Vacant:
				ts.Select(t =>
						String ttt = new String(' ', t.CharacterSpan.StartIndex) + t.Text + new String(' ', ts.Text.Length - t.CharacterSpan.EndIndex - 1);
						return String.Format("\t{0}\t{1}\t[{2}]", t.CharacterSpan, t.TokenSpan, ttt);
				ts.MinimalCharacterSpans.Select(t => String.Format("\t{0}\t\\{1}\\", t, ts.SpanText(t))).StringJoin(Environment.NewLine),
				ts.CharacterBoundarySpans.Select(t => String.Format("\t{0}\t\\{1}\\", t, ts.SpanText(t))).StringJoin(Environment.NewLine));