using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using glue.Tasks;
using glue.Collections.XSpinLock;
using glue;
using glue.Debugging;

#pragma warning disable 0649

namespace agree.Parse
	/// S U B S C R I P T I O N   C H A R T
	abstract public partial class SubscriptionChart : TaskCancellationChart
		internal SubscriptionChart(ParserConfiguration config, ISysObj so_owner, String source_text, int c_cols)
			: base(config, so_owner, source_text, c_cols)
			this.srcs_leftof = new LeftNotificationSource[c_cols - 1];
			this.srcs_rightof = new RightNotificationSource[c_cols - 1];
			for (int i = 0; i < c_cols - 1; i++)
				srcs_leftof[i] = new LeftNotificationSource(this, i + 1);
				srcs_rightof[i] = new RightNotificationSource(this, i);
			Nop.X(fsp1, fsp2);

		FalseSharing.Padding60 fsp1;
		public int c_unif = 0;
		FalseSharing.Padding60 fsp2;

		LeftNotificationSource[] srcs_leftof;
		RightNotificationSource[] srcs_rightof;

		internal int SubscribeRightOf(int i_col, ActiveEdge ace)
			return srcs_rightof[i_col].Subscribe(ace);

		internal int SubscribeLeftOf(int i_col, ActiveEdge ace)
			return srcs_leftof[i_col - 1].Subscribe(ace);

		protected abstract void GenerateRules(IParseChartEdge pce);

		/// <summary>
		/// Accept new edges into the chart. Atomically with insertion into the chart, stamp the edge with an interlocking
		/// sequence barrier in order to separate interested parties into two groups: those who registered previously--and 
		/// who will receive the edge now, versus those who register at any point afterwards, who will receive the edge via 
		/// the retroactive edge delivery mechanism which is part of the subscription process.
		/// </summary>
#if false
		internal Task AddEdgeAsync(PassiveEdge pce)
			return StartAttachedChildTask(AddEdgeInner, pce);

		internal void AddEdgeInner(IParseChartEdge pce)
			if (ParseTime.TotalSeconds > config.ItemTimeoutSeconds)
				throw new ParseTimeoutException();

			// add edge to chart with its default inert sequence stamp. this stamps it with a sequence barrier

			// now that there's a sequence ID, print out some stuff

			// a task for generating new rules
			StartAttachedChildTask(GenerateRules, pce);

			int cu = 0;

			// send the edge to interested parties:
			// 1. parties for which this item is to the right
			int i_start = pce.ChartSpan.StartIndex;
			if (i_start > 0)
				cu += srcs_rightof[i_start - 1].SendToAllAsync(pce);

			// 2. parties for which this item is to the left
			int i_end = pce.ChartSpan.EndIndex;
			if (i_end < ColumnCount - 1)
				cu += srcs_leftof[(i_end - 1) + 1].SendToAllAsync(pce);

			if (cu > 0)
				Interlocked.Add(ref c_unif, cu);

		/// <summary>
		/// Clearing subscribers allows references to active edges which were not productive during the parse to be released
		/// </summary>
		int shutdown = 0;
		protected void ClearSubscribers()
			if (shutdown == 0 && Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref shutdown, 1, 0) == 0)
				foreach (NotificationSource ns in srcs_leftof.AsEnumerable<NotificationSource>().Concat(srcs_rightof))
					foreach (ActiveEdge ae in ns.EnumerateSeq(AtomicStamp.InertValue))

				srcs_leftof = null;
				srcs_rightof = null;