using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using glue.Collections.ReadOnly;
using glue.Extensions.Enumerable;
using glue.Tokenization;

namespace agree
	public interface IGrammar : ISysObj


	public partial class Grammar : IGrammar
		static readonly byte[] binary_signature = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("gee-grammar-binary\x1A");

		public TypeMgr tm;
		public Lexicon lex;

		readonly SysObj so;
		public SysObj SysObj { get { return so; } }

		readonly String s_name;
		public String SysObjName { get { return s_name; } }

		String s_description;
		public string SysObjDescription { get { return s_description; } }

		String s_author;
		public string Author { get { return s_author; } }

		GrammarNameResolver nr;

		GrammarNodeLabeler nl;

		GrammarParser gp;
		//internal HashSet<ParseChart> parses = new HashSet<ParseChart>();	// beware of this GC-root

		bool f_loaded = false;

		internal event Action<CommandToken, Grammar> LoadedEvent = null;

		public bool IsLoaded { get { return f_loaded; } }

		public Tray loadtray;

		public Rule[] _rules;
		public GrammarRule[] _grammar_rules;
		public LexicalRule[] _lexical_rules;

		/// <summary>
		/// Grammar constructors
		/// </summary>
		public Grammar(SysObj so, String name)
		{ = new GrammarNameResolver(this); = so;
			this.s_name = name;

		//public Grammar(CommandToken tx, String name, String filename)
		//    : this(tx.SystemInstance, name)
		//    this.Load(tx, filename);

		/// <summary>
		/// Examine the specified file. If the signature of a binary grammar file is found, load it. Otherwise, assume
		/// it's a script file that lists the component configuration and TDL files
		/// </summary>
		public void Load(CommandToken tx, String filename)
			if (f_loaded)
				throw new Exception("grammar already loaded");

			filename = Path.GetFullPath(filename);
			if (!File.Exists(filename) && !File.Exists(filename = Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".gee")))
				String msg = String.Format("The file '{0}' could not be found.", filename);
				throw new FileNotFoundException(msg, filename);

			Stopwatch stopw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
			tx.TransactionStatus("Begin loading '<span style='color:#008000;'>{0}</span>'.", filename);
			if (!TryLoadBinary(tx, filename))
				GrammarFileSet tdlg = new GrammarFileSet(filename);
				this.Load(tx, tdlg);

			/// Initialize the parsing component for this grammar. This parser will use this Grammar's TypeManager,
			/// GrammarRules, Lexicon, and the StartSymbols from tm.AllEntries.
			tx.TransactionStatus("Initialize parser.");

			//RuntimeNodeLabelConfig rnlc = new RuntimeNodeLabelConfig(tm, tm.config.NodeLabelConfiguration);
			nl = new GrammarNodeLabeler(

			gp = new GrammarParser(tm.config.ParserConfiguration, this);

			f_loaded = true;
			Action<CommandToken, Grammar> ev = LoadedEvent;
			if (ev != null)
				LoadedEvent.Invoke(tx, this);

			tx.TransactionStatus("Loaded '<span style='color:#008000;'>{0}</span>' in {1:N4} s.", filename, stopw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

		/// <summary>
		/// Load grammar from a set of token lists
		/// </summary>
		void Load(CommandToken tx, GrammarFileSet tdlg)
			s_description = tdlg.description ?? s_name;
			s_author = ?? "";

			/// Create a type hierarchy
			tm = new TypeMgr(this, tdlg.config);

			/// Populate type hierarchy from the specified tokens
			tm.LoadTypeHierarchyFromTdl(tx, tdlg);

			/// Create a default tray for the grammar's canonical TFSs
			loadtray = TrayMgr.Allocate<ConcurrentTray>(tm, 1, -1);

			tm.config.CompileQuickCheckPaths(loadtray, tdlg.quick_check_paths);

			/// Create and persist definition TFSs for all types
			tx.TransactionStatus("Parse type definitions.");

			/// Gather and group the various entry types
			tm.LoadEntriesFromTdl(tx, loadtray, tdlg);

			/// Create and persist TFSs for authored definitions
			tx.TransactionStatus("Parse entry definitions.");

			/// no more strings to add. freeze the type hierarchy
			tm.Petrify(loadtray /*temp*/);

			// gp loading needs some. todo: make Task<T>

			tx.TransactionStatus("Build rule compatibility matrix.");

			Console.Write("scan lexicon...");

			/// Create and initialize the lexicon. 
			lex = new Lexicon(this, tm.AllEntries.OfType<LexicalEntry>(), tdlg.irregs);

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		void AnalyzeRuleCompatibility()
			Console.Write("build rule compatibility matrix...");

			_rules = tm.AllEntries.OfType<Rule>().ToArray();

			_lexical_rules = _rules.OfType<LexicalRule>().ToArray();
			_grammar_rules = _rules.OfType<GrammarRule>().ToArray();

			/// Cache rule daughters in each rule and find maximum arity
			foreach (Rule r in _rules)

			/// Check rule compatibility
			if (_lexical_rules.Length > 0)
				foreach (LexicalRule r in _lexical_rules)
					r.AnalyzeRuleCompatibility(_rules, null);

			if (_grammar_rules.Length > 0)
				foreach (GrammarRule r in _grammar_rules)
					r.AnalyzeRuleCompatibility(_grammar_rules, _rules);

		/// <summary>
		/// Load a grammar that was saved in binary format
		/// </summary>
		bool TryLoadBinary(CommandToken tx, String filename)
			using (FileStream str = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
			using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(str))
				byte[] sig_check = new byte[binary_signature.Length];
				br.Read(sig_check, 0, sig_check.Length);
				if (!sig_check.SequenceEqual(binary_signature))
					return false;

				BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

				/// read configuration options
				GrammarConfig config = (GrammarConfig)bf.Deserialize(br.BaseStream);

				/// Create a type hierarchy
				tm = new TypeMgr(this, config);

				config.CompileQuickCheckPaths(loadtray, null);

				/// Load compiled grammar
				tm.LoadBinary(tx, br);
				f_expanded_all = true;

				// temp
				this.loadtray = tm.AllTypes.Select(t => t.Expanded).First(te => te != default(TfsEdge)).Tray;

				/// read lexicon
				lex = Lexicon.Load(this, tm.AllEntries.OfType<LexicalEntry>(), br);
			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Save this grammar in binary format
		/// </summary>
		public void Save(CommandToken tx, String filename)
			Stopwatch stopw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
			tx.TransactionStatus("Begin writing binary format '\ue099-008000{0}\ue099'.", filename);

			using (Stream str = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
			using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(str))
				/// write grammar signature

				/// write configuration options
				BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
				bf.Serialize(bw.BaseStream, tm.config);

				/// Expand all types prior to saving

				/// write type manager
				tm.Save(tx, bw);

				/// write lexicon
				bf.Serialize(bw.BaseStream, lex);

			tx.TransactionStatus("Wrote '\ue099-008000{0}\ue099' in {1:N4} s.", filename, stopw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

		public GrammarParser Parser { get { return gp; } }

		public String GetInfo()
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

			sb.AppendFormat("<b>Information for '{0}':</b><br />", SysObjName);
			sb.Append("<br />");
			sb.AppendFormat("Number of authored types: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", tm.code_size);
			sb.AppendFormat("Number of GLB types: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", tm.type_arr.Length - tm.code_size);
			sb.AppendFormat("Total types: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", tm.type_arr.Length);
			sb.Append("<br />");
			sb.AppendFormat("Number of grammar rules: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", => e is GrammarRule));
			sb.AppendFormat("Number of lexical rules: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", => e.GetType() == typeof(LexicalRule)));
			sb.AppendFormat("Number of inflection rules: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", => e is MorphologicalRule));
			sb.AppendFormat("Number of start symbols: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", => e is StartSymbol));
			sb.AppendFormat("Number of node labels: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", => e is NodeLabel));
			//sb.AppendFormat("Number of lexicon entries: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", this.lex.Count);
			sb.Append("<br />");
			sb.AppendFormat("Number of edges: <span style='color:#008000;'>{0:#,#}</span><br />", loadtray.PoolMarkCount);

			return sb.ToString();

		public void ParseTypeDefinitions(CommandToken tx)
			tx.TransactionStatus("Loading definitions for all Types");
#if false
			Parallel.ForEach(AllTypes, t => t.LoadDefinition());
			foreach (Instance t in tm.AllTypes)

		public void ParseEntryDefinitions(CommandToken tx)
			tx.TransactionStatus("loading definitions for all Entries");
#if false
				Parallel.ForEach(tm.AllTypes, t => t.LoadDefinition());
			foreach (Instance t in tm.AllEntries)

		public bool f_expanded_all = false;

		public void ExpandTypeDefinitions(CommandToken tx)
			tx.TransactionStatus("Expanding all type definitions.");
			if (f_expanded_all)
			Parallel.ForEach(AllTypes, t =>
					Edge e = t.Expanded;
			TfsEdge e;
			foreach (Type t in tm.AllTypes)
				e = t.Expanded;

			if (loadtray is IFreezableTray)

			f_expanded_all = true;

		public Task<ParseChart> Parse(String sent)
			if (gp == null)
				var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ParseChart>();
				return tcs.Task;
			return gp.Parse(sent);
		public Task<ParseChart> Parse(TokenSet ts)
			return gp.Parse(ts);
		public Task<ParseChart> Parse(String source_text, int chart_size, IEnumerable<ParseChart.IParseChartToken> tokens)
			return gp.Parse(source_text, chart_size, tokens, null);

		public HashSet<PoolMark> Reachable()
			HashSet<PoolMark> seen = new HashSet<PoolMark>();
			foreach (Instance t in tm.AllInstances)
				if (t.m_flags.HasFlag(Type.Flags.LoadedDefinition))
					if (t.m_flags.HasFlag(Type.Flags.Expanded) && !t.Expanded.Equals(t.Definition))
			return seen;

		public IReadOnlyDictionary<String, ISysObj> SysObjChildren
			get { return new GrammarNameResolver(this); }

		public ISysObj SysObjParent
			get { return so; }

		class GrammarNameResolver : IReadOnlyDictionary<String, ISysObj>
			Grammar g;
			public GrammarNameResolver(Grammar g)
				this.g = g;

			public bool IsReadOnly { get { return true; } }

			public bool ContainsKey(String key)
				ISysObj o;
				return TryGetValue(key, out o);

			public ICollection<String> Keys
				get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<String>(this.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray()); }

			public ICollection<ISysObj> Values
				get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<ISysObj>(this.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToArray()); }

			public ISysObj this[String key]
					ISysObj so;
					if (!TryGetValue(key, out so))
						throw new KeyNotFoundException();
					return so;

			public int Count
					int c = 0;
					c +=;
					c +=;
					//c += g.parses.Count;
					return c;

			public bool TryGetValue(String key, out ISysObj value)
				Type t;
				if (, out t))
					value = t;
					return true;
				Entry e;
				if (, out e))
					value = e;
					return true;
				//ParseChart pc = g.parses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SysObjName == key);
				//if (pc != null)
				//    value = pc;
				//    return true;

				value = null;
				return false;

			public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<String, ISysObj>> GetEnumerator()
				foreach (Type t in
					yield return new KeyValuePair<String, ISysObj>(t.SysObjName, t);

				foreach (Entry e in
					yield return new KeyValuePair<String, ISysObj>(e.SysObjName, e);

				//foreach (ParseChart pc in g.parses)
				//    yield return new KeyValuePair<String, ISysObj>(pc.SysObjName, pc);

			public bool Contains(KeyValuePair<String, ISysObj> item)
				return this.Any(kvp => kvp.Key == item.Key && kvp.Value == item.Value);

			public void CopyTo(KeyValuePair<String, ISysObj>[] array, int arrayIndex)
				foreach (var kvp in this)
					array[arrayIndex++] = kvp;

			System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
				return GetEnumerator();