using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;

using agree.Parse;
using glue.Debugging;
using glue.Extensions.Enumerable;
using glue.Tokenization;

namespace agree
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public class ParseChart : UnificationParseChart, IDisposable, ISysObj
		readonly GrammarParser gp;
		readonly Tray tr_target;
		readonly IEnumerable<IParseChartToken> input;

		public LexicalAnalysis lah = null;

		public ParseChart(
			GrammarParser gp,
			Tray tr_target,
			String source_text,
			IEnumerable<ISysObj> starts,
			int chart_size,
			IEnumerable<IParseChartToken> input,
			TokenSet _ts)
			: base(gp.Config, gp.Grammar, source_text, starts, chart_size, input)
		{ = gp;
			this.tr_target = tr_target;
			this.input = input;

			this._TokenSet = _ts; // temp temp

		public Grammar Grammar { get { return gp.Grammar; } }

		public TypeMgr TypeMgr { get { return gp.TypeMgr; } }

		public IEnumerable<IParseChartToken> InputTokens { get { return input; } }

		public TokenSet _TokenSet;

		public int UnificationCount
			get { return c_unif + (lah != null ? lah.c_unif : 0); }

		/// <summary>
		/// Generate new activities for the specified ChartEdge
		/// Match the given chart edge against this chart's set of rules, and generate new active edges as appropriate. After
		/// creating an active edge corresponding to a rule/positioned passive edge tuple, we instruct it to attempt a match.
		/// Depending on success or failure, the active edge will either stay alive, or simply pass away. In the former case,
		/// since active edges are always seeded with a positioned passive edge, the active edge will know which chart position 
		/// it needs to subscribe to, which is what keeps it alive.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void GenerateRules(IParseChartEdge ce)
			int i_start = ce.ChartSpan.StartIndex;
			int i_end = ce.ChartSpan.EndIndex;

			/// Rule pre-check filter "A Bag of Useful Technique for Efficient and Robust Parsing" (Kiefer et al. 1999)
			IEnumerable<GrammarRule> rules_to_use;
			Rule new_daughter = ce.License as Rule;
			if (new_daughter != null)
				rules_to_use = new_daughter.CompatibleKeyMothers.OfType<GrammarRule>();
				rules_to_use = gp.Grammar._grammar_rules;

			IParseChartEdge[] rgce_new = null;
			TfsEdge result;
			int cu = 0;

			foreach (GrammarRule r in rules_to_use)
				IList<TfsEdge> rd = r.RuleDaughters;
				TfsEdge daughter;

				if (rd.Count == 1)
					daughter = rd[0];
					if (QuickCheck(daughter, ce.Contents))

					if (UnifyPartial(r, daughter, ce.Contents, out result, ce.ChartSpan.Equals(EntireSpan)))
						rgce_new = rgce_new ?? new IParseChartEdge[] { ce };
						cu += FinishMatchedEdge(r.License, result, ce.ChartSpan, rgce_new);
					int i_key = r.KeyDaughterIndex;

					// if the edge will not fit, don't bother creating the active edge.
					if (i_start < i_key)

					if (i_end > ColumnCount - (rd.Count - i_key))

					/// The active edge is told whether or not it should only apply itself if a final result would be spanning.
					/// Furthermore, since active edges only grow in one direction, there's no point in creating a span-only 
					/// active edge which does not abut the beginning or end of the chart.
					bool f_span_only = r.IsSpanOnly;

					/// We only have to try one ARGS position and it doesn't matter which one it is as long as that order is
					/// always used for that rule. Usage of this new edge in some other ARGS position would be handled later,
					/// when/if the rule succeeds in a neighboring chart position.
					if (i_key == 0)
						if (f_span_only && i_start > 0)

						daughter = rd[0];

						if (QuickCheck(daughter, ce.Contents))

						if (UnifyPartial(r, daughter, ce.Contents, out result, false))
							rgce_new = rgce_new ?? new IParseChartEdge[] { ce };
							ActiveEdge ae = new ActiveRightEdge(this, IncorporatePart(r, result), rgce_new);
							cu += SubscribeRightOf(ce.ChartSpan.EndIndex, ae);
						if (f_span_only && i_end < ColumnCount - 1)

						daughter = rd[rd.Count - 1];

						if (QuickCheck(daughter, ce.Contents))

						if (UnifyPartial(r, daughter, ce.Contents, out result, false))
							rgce_new = rgce_new ?? new IParseChartEdge[] { ce };
							ActiveEdge ae = new ActiveLeftEdge(this, IncorporatePart(r, result), rgce_new);
							cu += SubscribeLeftOf(ce.ChartSpan.StartIndex, ae);
			if (cu > 0)
				Interlocked.Add(ref c_unif, cu);

		/// <summary>
		/// Unify a rule daughter
		/// </summary>
		public override bool UnifyPartial(IParseChartRule mother, TfsEdge daughter, TfsEdge candidate, out TfsEdge full, bool f_last)
			Unification.Pruning u_prun = null;
			Unification.Partial u_part = f_last ?
							(u_prun = new Unification.Pruning(tr_target)) :
								   new Unification.Partial(tr_target);

			if (!u_part.UnifyAndComplete(mother.Contents, daughter, candidate, out full))
				return false;

			if (mother.RuleDaughters.Count > 2)

			//full.RegisterName(String.Format("{0}-{1}", this.SysObjName, full.ToString()));

			/// Optionally delete daughter features from a finished mother rule
			if (f_last && tr_target.DeletedDaughters != null)
				foreach (ConstraintPool cp in tr_target.DeletedDaughters)
					u_prun.PruneBelow(cp, full.Edge.Mark);

			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public override Task<TfsEdge> UnifyPartialAsync(IParseChartRule mother, TfsEdge daughter, TfsEdge candidate, bool f_last)
			Unification.Async.Partial u_part = f_last ? new Unification.Async.Pruning(tr_target) :
													 new Unification.Async.Partial(tr_target);

			return u_part.UnifyAsync(daughter, candidate).ContinueWith<TfsEdge>(t =>
					if (t.Result.Equals(default(Edge)))
						return default(TfsEdge);

					Edge e;
					u_part.CompleteSkeleton(mother.Contents, daughter, t.Result, out e);

					TfsEdge full = tr_target.CreateTfs(e);

					/// Optionally delete daughter features from a finished mother rule
					Unification.Async.Pruning u_prun = u_part as Unification.Async.Pruning;
					if (u_prun != null && tr_target.DeletedDaughters != null)
						foreach (ConstraintPool cp in tr_target.DeletedDaughters)
							u_prun.PruneBelow(cp, full.Edge.Mark);

					//full.RegisterName(String.Format("{0}-{1}", this.SysObjName, full.ToString()));
					return full;

		/// <summary>
		/// Unify whole feature structures
		/// </summary>
		public override bool CanUnify(ISysObj e1, TfsEdge e2)
#if false
			UnifyHelper uhx = new UnifyHelper(tm, tm.tray);
			var q1 = uhx.UnificationCheck(e1, e2);
			//			{
			//			result = default(Edge);
			//		return false;

			Unification.Checker uc = new Unification.Checker(gp.Grammar.loadtray);

			var q2 = uc.Check(((Entry)e1).Expanded, e2);

			//if (q1 != UnifyHelper.SubsumptionResult.Bottom && !q2)
			//Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1}", q1, q2);

			if (!q2)
				return false;
			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Quick-check:
		/// Robert Malouf, John Carroll, Ann Copestake. 2000. Efficient feature structure operations without compliation.
		///		Natural Language Engineering 6 (1): 29-46. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>true if the unification can be skipped because it would fail,
		/// false if the caller should proceed to unify</returns>
		public override bool QuickCheck(TfsEdge te1, TfsEdge te2)
			TypeMgr tm = TypeMgr;
			if (tm.config.quick_check_paths != null)
				int m1 = te1.Edge.Mark;
				int m2 = te2.Edge.Mark;
				foreach (TrayCompiledFsPath path in tm.config.quick_check_paths)
					Edge.Flag f1, f2;
					if (path.GetTypeId(m1, out f1) && path.GetTypeId(m2, out f2) && !tm.CanUnify(f1, f2))
						return true;
			return false;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public override IGrammarRule IncorporatePart(IGrammarRule mother, TfsEdge result)
			return new GrammarRuleDaughterCache(this, mother, result);

		/// <summary>
		/// Discard the derived passive edges that this chart owns in the persistent edge store. Do not delete the contents
		/// of the passive lexical edges because they actually belong to the grammar.
		/// </summary>
		public unsafe void Dispose()
			Status s = m_status;
			if ((s & Status.Disposing) != 0)

			fixed (Status* ps = &m_status)
				Status new_status = (s & Status._StatusMask) | Status.Disposing;
				if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref *(int*)ps, (int)new_status, (int)s) == (int)s)
					foreach (IParseChartEdge pe in AllEdges())

					if (lah != null)

					m_status = new_status | Status.Disposed;

		class GrammarRuleDaughterCache : IGrammarRule
			TfsEdge tfs;
			readonly TfsEdge[] daughters;
			GrammarRule m_rule;

			/// <summary>
			/// Find and cache the TFS entry points for the daughters of the rule.
			/// Copy the key daughter index from the original rule, since it never changes in subsequent instances.
			/// </summary>
			public GrammarRuleDaughterCache(ParseChart c, IGrammarRule m_old, TfsEdge m_new)
				this.tfs = m_new;
				this.daughters = m_new.RuleDaughters.ToArray();
				this.m_rule = (GrammarRule)m_old;

			public TfsEdge Contents { get { return tfs; } }

			public void Dispose()

			public IList<TfsEdge> RuleDaughters { get { return daughters; } }

			IEnumerable<TfsEdge> IMotherDaughter.RuleDaughters
				get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

			public int KeyDaughterIndex { get { return m_rule.KeyDaughterIndex; } }

			public bool IsSpanOnly
				get { return m_rule.IsSpanOnly; }

			public bool SpinCompare(TfsEdge other)
				throw new NotImplementedException();

			public override string ToString()
				return String.Format("{0} {1}", tfs, daughters.Select((d, ix) =>
					String.Format("ARGS{0}[{1}]{2}", ix, d, ix == m_rule.KeyDaughterIndex ? "*" : "")).StringJoin(" "));

			public ISysObj License
				get { return m_rule; }

			public bool CheckDaughterCompatibility(ISysObj daughter, int i_arg)
				return daughter != null && m_rule.CheckDaughterCompatibility(daughter, i_arg);