using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using agree.Parse;
using glue;
using glue.Debugging;
using glue.Extensions.Enumerable;
using glue.Tokenization;

namespace agree
	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public class GrammarParser
		ParserConfiguration parser_config;
		Grammar g;
		StartSymbol[] starts;
		TextWriter tw_debug = null;
		ITokenizer tokenizer = null;

		public GrammarParser(ParserConfiguration parser_config, Grammar g)
			this.parser_config = parser_config;

			this.g = g;
			this.starts =

			parser_config.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnParserConfigChanged);

			//hack hack for ERG
			var hackhack = new HashSet<String> { "root_strict", "root_informal", "root_frag", "root_inffrag" };
			if (<StartSymbol>().Any(ss => hackhack.Contains(ss.Name)))
				this.starts =
					.Where(ss => hackhack.Contains(ss.Name))
			//hack hack (end)

		public Grammar Grammar { get { return g; } }

		public TypeMgr TypeMgr { get { return; } }

		public Lexicon Lexicon { get { return g.lex; } }

		public Tray TargetTray { get { return g.loadtray; } }

		public TextWriter DebugOutput { get { return tw_debug; } }

		public ParserConfiguration Config { get { return parser_config; } }

		public ITokenizer Tokenizer { get { return tokenizer; } }

		public void SetDebugOutput(TextWriter tw) { this.tw_debug = tw; }

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		[DebuggerDisplay("{token.GetHashCode().ToString(\"X8\"),nq} {type.Name,nq} {System.String.Join(\".\",target_path),nq}")]
		struct ChartDependency : IEquatable<ChartDependency>
			public LexicalAnalysis.AnalysisStack token;
			public Type type;
			public FsPath target_path;

			public bool Equals(ChartDependency other)
				if (target_path == null && other.target_path != null)
					return false;
				return token == other.token && type == other.type &&
					target_path.SequenceEqual(other.target_path, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

			public override int GetHashCode()
				int hc = 0;
				if (token != null)
					hc += token.GetHashCode();
				if (type != null)
					hc += type.GetHashCode();
				if (target_path != null)
					hc += target_path.Aggregate(0, (av, s) => av ^ s.GetHashCode());
				return hc;

		/// <summary>
		/// Get chart dependencies for the specified token, if any
		/// </summary>
		IEnumerable<ChartDependency> GetDependencies(LexicalAnalysis.AnalysisStack tok)
			TfsEdge fs = tok.Contents;
			foreach (var cdp in Config.ChartDependencyPathsArray)
				TfsEdge te;
				if (fs.Tray.GetTfsEdgeAtPath(fs.Edge, cdp.path1, out te))
					yield return new ChartDependency
						token = tok,
						type = te.Type,
						target_path = cdp.path2

		/// <summary>
		/// Filter tokens whose dependencies are not met out of the specified sequence
		/// </summary>
		IEnumerable<ParseChart.IParseChartToken> ChartDependencyFilter(IEnumerable<ParseChart.IParseChartToken> tokens)
			if (Config.ChartDependencyPathsArray == null)
				return tokens;

			if (Config.ChartDependencyScope == ParserConfiguration.DependencyScope.TwoWay)
				throw new NotImplementedException("two-way chart dependencies not implemented, use 'unidirectional-chart-dependencies' if possible");

			var stacks = tokens.OfType<LexicalAnalysis.AnalysisStack>();

			/// Group all dependencies according to the introducing token
			var probation = stacks.SelectMany(tok => GetDependencies(tok)).Distinct().GroupBy(cd => cd.token);

			if (!probation.Any())

			/// Tokens which have no dependency are accepted.
			var satisfied = stacks.Except(probation.Select(grp => grp.Key)).ToHashSet();

			/// eek. find those probationary tokens for which all of their chart dependencies have at least one satisfied
			/// token (in a non-overlapping chart position) containing a compatible type at the specified path.
			/// this was nice before I had to redo it when I realized that the satisfying tokens are not limited to the
			/// initial set, but must spread transitively as new ones become satisfied...
			int last_count;
				last_count = satisfied.Count;

							.Where(grp => !satisfied.Contains(grp.Key) && grp.All(dpnd => satisfied
													.Where(other_tok => !other_tok.ChartSpan.Overlaps(grp.Key.ChartSpan))
													.Any(other_tok =>
														TfsEdge e;
														return other_tok.Contents.Tray.GetTfsEdgeAtPath(other_tok.Contents.Edge, dpnd.target_path, out e) &&
						, e.Type.m_id);
							.Select(tok_deps => tok_deps.Key));
			while (satisfied.Count > last_count);

			/// Delete edges for the stacks we aren't going to use
			foreach (var tok in stacks)
				if (!satisfied.Contains(tok))

			return satisfied;

		/// <summary>
		/// Do not specify AttachedToParent (or rethrown exception will propagate into the parent task, which is not
		/// accessible to this function) and do not specify the chart's CancelTok (or this task's act of cancelling the
		/// parse will put a task-canceled exception into the continuation, and trump/erase the actual exception)
		/// </summary>
		public Task<ParseChart> Parse(String s)
			return Parse(new TokenizedString(s, tokenizer));

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public Task<ParseChart> Parse(TokenSet ts)
			using (var q = new ThreadPriorityRegion(ThreadPriority.AboveNormal))
				LexicalAnalysis lah = Lexicon.AnalyzeHypothesis(ts, TargetTray);

				var missing = Enumerable.Range(0, lah.SourceItem.MinimalSpanCount)
										.Except(lah.UnionMany(ta => ta.ChartSpan.Range));
				if (missing.Any())
					String s1 = Span.FromIndexList(missing)
									.Select(sp => String.Format("\"{0}\" {1}",
									.StringJoin(", ");
					throw new ParseException("No morpholexical solutions for: {0}.", s1);
				return Parse(ts.Source.Text, lah.ChartSize, lah, ts);

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public Task<ParseChart> Parse(String source_text, int chart_size, IEnumerable<ParseChart.IParseChartToken> tokens, TokenSet _ts)
			using (var q = new ThreadPriorityRegion(ThreadPriority.AboveNormal))
				ParseChart chart = new ParseChart(

				if (tw_debug != null)

				LexicalAnalysis lah = tokens as LexicalAnalysis;
				if (lah != null)
					chart.lah = lah;

				return chart.ParseAsync().ContinueWith<ParseChart>(t =>
									if (t.Exception != null)
										AggregateException aex = t.Exception.Flatten();
										var rgex = aex.InnerExceptions.OfType<ParseException>().Distinct(e => e.Id).ToArray();
										if (rgex.Length == 1)
											throw rgex[0];
										throw aex;
									return chart;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		void OnParserConfigChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
			switch (e.PropertyName)
				case "TokenizerType":

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		void ConfigureTokenizer()
			System.Type T_tok = parser_config.TokenizerType;

			ConstructorInfo ci;
			if (T_tok == null)
				tokenizer = new SpaceCharTokenizer();
			else if (T_tok.GetConstructor(new System.Type[0]) != null)
				tokenizer = (ITokenizer)Activator.CreateInstance(T_tok);
			else if ((ci = T_tok.GetConstructor(new System.Type[] { typeof(Func<String, bool>) })) != null)
				Func<String, bool> af = w => Lexicon[w].Any(q => q.Lemmata.Count == 1);
				tokenizer = (ITokenizer)ci.Invoke(new Object[] { af });
				throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not determine how to construct the tokenizer '{0}'", T_tok.Name));