using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

using glue;
using glue.Extensions.String;
using glue.Extensions.String.Builder;
using glue.Debugging;
using glue.Extensions.Enumerable;
using glue.Collections.XSpinLock;
using glue.Collections.LockFreeDictionary;

#pragma warning disable 0649

namespace agree
	/// <summary>
	/// Trays are allocated globally, not per-grammar. The system supports a maximum of 64 trays. Each tray is a complete set
	/// of ConstraintPools for some grammar. A grammar might use multiple trays in order to (a.) use a higher-performance
	/// read-only tray for the invariant parts of the grammar (b.) for isolation or experimental purposes (c.) for parsing 
	/// or unification results, allowing the entire result to be instantly discarded and cleaned up.
	/// </summary>
	public static class TrayMgr
		const int MaxTrays = 64;

		static int next_tix = 0;
		static public Tray[] all_trays = new Tray[MaxTrays];

		static public Tray _most_recent_tray = null;

		public static Tray Allocate<T>(TypeMgr tm, int next_mark, int next_id) where T : Tray
			int tix = Interlocked.Increment(ref next_tix) - 1;
			if (tix == MaxTrays)
				throw new Exception(String.Format("The number of pool trays has exceeded the limit of {0}", MaxTrays));

			Tray tr = null;
			if (Nop.single_threaded)
				tr = new SingleUserTray(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
			else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ConcurrentTray))
				tr = new ConcurrentTray(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
				//tr = new SpinLockTray(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
				//tr = new HybridSpinLockTray(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
				//tr = new LockFreeTray(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
				//tr = new HybridSpinLockRwTray(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);

				//tr = new HybridTray<ConcurrentDictionary<Int32, Edge>>(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
				//tr = new HybridTray<SpinlockDictionary<Int32, Edge>>(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
				//tr = new HybridTray<LockFreeDictionary<Int32, Edge>>(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
				//tr = new HybridTray<ReaderWriterDictionary<Int32, Edge>>(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
				//tr = new HybridTray<SpinlockRwDictionary<Int32, Edge>>(tix, tm, next_mark, next_id);
			if (Console.Out != null)
				String s_tray_type = tr.GetType().Name;
				if (tr.GetType().IsGenericType)
					s_tray_type += "<" + tr.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0].Name + ">";

			all_trays[tix] = tr;
			_most_recent_tray = tr;
			return tr;

		public static IEnumerable<Tray> GetTypeMgrTrays(TypeMgr tm)
			foreach (Tray tr in all_trays)
				if (tr != null && == tm)
					yield return tr;

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	abstract public partial class Tray
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public void CleanGarbage(HashSet<PoolMark> reachable)
			HashSet<PoolMark> pool_pms = new HashSet<PoolMark>(Pools.SelectMany(cp => cp.Marks.Select(m => new PoolMark(cp, m))));
			HashSet<PoolMark> garbage = new HashSet<PoolMark>(pool_pms.Except(reachable));

			foreach (Edge gedge in TreeTops(garbage))

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerable<Edge> TreeTops(IEnumerable<PoolMark> set)
			HashSet<PoolMark> hs = new HashSet<PoolMark>(set);
			foreach (PoolMark pm in set)

			return hs._GroupBy(pm => pm.in_mark)
				.Select(g =>
					Type tx = tm.GetGlbOfMany(g.Select(pm => pm.Pool.IntroducedBy)) ?? tm.TopType;
					return new Edge((Edge.Flag)tx.m_id, g.Key);

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public bool CanUnfill(ConstraintRef cr)
			Edge e = cr.Constraint;
			Type t0 = tm.GetEdgeType(e.FlagsId);

			//if (t0.Name == "0-dlist" &&
			//    tm.GetEdgeType(Pools[tm.feat_map["list"].i_feat].GetEdge(e.Mark).FlagsId).Name == "0-1-list" &&
			//    tm.GetEdgeType(Pools[tm.feat_map["last"].i_feat].GetEdge(e.Mark).FlagsId).Name == "0-1-list")
			//    return true;

			foreach (int fix in t0._deprec_feat_indexes)
				ConstraintPool cp = Pools[fix];
				Edge ne;
				if (cp.TryGetEdge(e.Mark, out ne))
					Edge ne2;
					cp.TryGetEdge(t0.Expanded.Edge.Mark, out ne2);

					Type t3 = tm.GetEdgeType(ne2.FlagsId);

					if (ne.IsCoreferenced)
						return false;

					if (tm.GetEdgeType(ne.FlagsId) != t3)
						return false;

					if (ne.Mark != Edge.MarkBare && !CanUnfill(new ConstraintRef(e, cp)))
						return false;
			return true;
			//!rgcr.Any(cr => cr.Constraint.IsConstrained) &&
			// => cr.FeatureIndex)))

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public class MonospaceFormatter
			Tray tr;
			TypeMgr tm;
			Dictionary<Edge, int> corefs = new Dictionary<Edge, int>();
			bool f_uncons_top = true;
			bool f_unfill = true;
			int[] feature_order = null;
			IDictionary<String, String> type_name_remapping = null;

			public MonospaceFormatter(Tray tr)
			{ = tr; =;

			public int[] FeatureDisplayOrder
				get { return feature_order; }
				set { feature_order = value; }

			public bool Unfill
				get { return f_unfill; }
				set { f_unfill = value; }

			/// <summary>
			/// Type names can be substituted to account for e.g. different glb number assignments in a comparison
			/// system.
			/// </summary>
			public IDictionary<String, String> TypeNameRemapping
				get { return type_name_remapping; }
				set { type_name_remapping = value; }

			/// <summary>
			/// Note: Single-threaded (use of corefs)
			/// </summary>
			public String FormatEdge(Edge edge)
				String r = tm.GetEdgeType(edge.FlagsId).Name;
				String s = _format_edge(0, edge);
				if (s != String.Empty)
					r += Environment.NewLine + s;
				return r;

			String _format_edge(int indent, Edge e)
				var rgcr = (f_uncons_top ?
									tr.AllConstraintRefs(e) :
				if (rgcr.Length == 0)
					return String.Empty;

				if (feature_order != null)
					rgcr = rgcr.OrderBy(cr => Array.IndexOf<int>(feature_order, cr.Pool.i_feat)).ToArray();

				int feat_max = rgcr.Max(cr => cr.Pool.Feature.Length) + 1;

				String s_indent = new String(' ', indent);
				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

				bool f_first = true;
				foreach (ConstraintRef cr in rgcr)
					Edge ne = cr.Constraint;
					if (f_first)
						sb.Append(s_indent + "[ ");
						f_first = false;
						sb.Append("," + Environment.NewLine + s_indent + "  ");


					bool f_old_coref = false;
					String coref_text = String.Empty;
					if (ne.IsCoreferenced)
						int i_coref;
						if (!corefs.TryGetValue(ne, out i_coref))
							i_coref = corefs.Count + 1;
							corefs.Add(ne, i_coref);
							coref_text = String.Format("#{0}:", i_coref);
							coref_text = "#" + i_coref.ToString();
							f_old_coref = true;

					if (!f_old_coref)
						String s_type;
						if (tm.IsStringValue(ne.FlagsId))
							s_type = "\"" + tm.GetStringValue(ne.FlagsId) + "\"";
							s_type = tm.GetEdgeType(ne.FlagsId).Name;
							String s_tmp;
							if (type_name_remapping != null && type_name_remapping.TryGetValue(s_type, out s_tmp))
								s_type = s_tmp;


						if (!f_unfill || !tr.CanUnfill(cr))
							String cons = _format_edge(indent + feat_max + 2 + coref_text.Length, ne);
							if (cons.Length > 0)
								sb.Append(Environment.NewLine + cons);
				sb.Append(" ]");
				return sb.ToString();

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public class SubsumptionComparer : IComparer<Edge>, IEqualityComparer<Edge>
			public SubsumptionComparer(Tray tr)


			public int Compare(Edge x, Edge y)
				throw new NotImplementedException();

			public bool Equals(Edge x, Edge y)
				return Compare(x, y) == 0;

			public int GetHashCode(Edge obj)
				throw new NotImplementedException();

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public IDictionary<Edge, CorefFinder.Entry> GetCoreferences(Edge e)
			if ((e.FlagsId & Edge.Flag.EtmNonBareType) == 0)
				return CorefFinder.NoCorefs;
			return new CorefFinder(this, e).Result;

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public sealed class CorefFinder
		public readonly static IDictionary<Edge, Entry> NoCorefs = new Dictionary<Edge, Entry>();

		public class Entry : HashSet<ConstraintRef>
			public Entry(ConstraintRef cref_first, int i_tag)
				this.cref_display = cref_first;
				this.i_tag = i_tag;
			readonly public int i_tag;
			public ConstraintRef cref_display;
			public override String ToString() { return String.Format("#{0} in-edges: {1}", i_tag, this.Count); }

		readonly Tray tr;
		readonly TypeMgr tm;
		readonly ConstraintPool[] Pools;
		Dictionary<Edge, Entry> dict = null;
		int coref_tag;

		public CorefFinder(Tray tr, Edge e)
		{ = tr; =;
			this.Pools = tr.Pools;
			this.coref_tag = 0;

		void _get_coreferences(Edge e)
			/// this determines the order of coref tag numbering. it used to be specified here with 
			/// .OrderBy(cp => cp.IntroducedBy.m_level) but this is not needed so long as the feature index order
			/// in the type is kept this way, as it is at this time.
			foreach (int i_feat in tm.GetEdgeType(e.FlagsId)._deprec_feat_indexes)
				ConstraintPool cp;
				Edge next_edge;
				bool f_descend = true;
				if ((cp = Pools[i_feat]).TryGetEdge(e.Mark, out next_edge) && (next_edge.FlagsId & Edge.Flag.Coreference) > 0)
					ConstraintRef cref = new ConstraintRef(e, cp);
					Entry cre;
					if (dict == null)
						dict = new Dictionary<Edge, Entry> { { next_edge, cre = new Entry(cref, coref_tag++) } };
					else if (!dict.TryGetValue(next_edge, out cre))
						dict.Add(next_edge, cre = new Entry(cref, coref_tag++));
						f_descend = false;
				if (f_descend && (next_edge.FlagsId & Edge.Flag.EtmMask) == Edge.Flag.EtmNonBareType)

		public IDictionary<Edge, Entry> Result { get { return dict ?? NoCorefs; } }