#define newthing
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Linq;

#pragma warning disable 0420, 0414

public partial class LockFreeDictionary<K, V> : IDictionary<K, V>
	where K : IEquatable<K>
	where V : IEquatable<V>
	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto, Pack = 64)]
	public partial class Config
		int EntriesPerBlockPower;
		int EntriesPerBlock;
		int GlobalIndexMask;
		int ResizeTrigger;

		public Config(LockFreeDictionary<K, V> dict, int entries_per_block_power)
			this.d = dict;

			EntriesPerBlockPower = entries_per_block_power;
			EntriesPerBlock = 1 << EntriesPerBlockPower;
			GlobalIndexMask = EntriesPerBlock - 1;
			ResizeTrigger = GlobalIndexMask & unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFF0);

			entry_blocks = new Entry[0x10][];
			entry_blocks[0] = new Entry[EntriesPerBlock];

#if newthing
			free_lists = new Freelist[800];
			free_lists_x = new Freelist[800];
			for (int i = 0; i < free_lists.Length; i+=100)
				free_lists_x[i] = free_lists[i] = new Freelist(this);
			free_lists = new Freelist[BucketList.HashFriendly((uint)dict.c_processors * 2)];
			for (int i = 0; i < free_lists.Length; i++)
				free_lists[i] = new Freelist(this);

			m_buckets = new BucketListPrimary(this, DefaultCapacity);

		internal LockFreeDictionary<K, V> d;

		/// each EntryBlock stores a fixed number of entries
		Entry[][] entry_blocks;

		/// entries have a global index across all EntryBlocks
		int m_gx_next;

		/// a pair of bucket arrays that can be atomically swapped
		internal volatile BucketList m_buckets;

		/// the number of entries in the dictionary is maintained with interlocked operations
		internal int m_count = 0;

		///  a small number of free lists
		internal Freelist[] free_lists;

		internal Freelist[] free_lists_x;

		internal bool IsCurrent { get { return this == d.m_config; } }

		internal BucketList ChangeBuckets(BucketList bl_old, BucketList bl_new)
			BucketList bl_cur = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_buckets, bl_new, bl_old);
			return bl_cur == bl_old ? bl_new : bl_cur;

		internal void CheckAssist(ref int mtid)
			Config.BucketListResize blr = m_buckets as Config.BucketListResize;
			if (blr != null)
				blr._check_assist(ref mtid);

		internal void RequestBucketResize(ref int mtid)
			Config.BucketListPrimary blp = m_buckets as Config.BucketListPrimary;
			if (blp != null)
				blp.InitiateBucketResize(ref mtid);

		internal void IncrementCountAndCheck(ref int mtid)
			int c = Interlocked.Increment(ref m_count);
			if (c > m_buckets.BucketCount)
				RequestBucketResize(ref mtid);

		internal IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<K, V>> EnumerateKeyValuePairs()
			int mtid = -1;
			for (int offs, i = 0; i < m_gx_next; i++)
				Entry e = GetBlock(i, out offs)[offs];	/// todo: this is subject to torn reads

				if (e.hash != Freelist.FreelistHash)
					bool f;
					BucketList.BucketHead bh;
						m_buckets.GetBucketHead(ref mtid, e.hash, out bh);	/// ignore config change
					while (!bh.TryContainsKey(e.key, out f));
					if (f)
						yield return new KeyValuePair<K, V>(e.key, e.value);

#if newthing
		int[] fl_affinity = new int[256];

		Freelist GetFreelist(ref int mtid)
			if (mtid != -1)
				return free_lists_x[mtid];

			int mid = (Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId & 0xFF) * 8;
			int ix = fl_affinity[mid];
			Freelist fl_use;
			while ((fl_use = free_lists[ix]) == null || Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref free_lists[ix], null, fl_use) != fl_use)
				if ((ix += 100) == free_lists.Length)
					ix = 0;
			mtid = fl_affinity[mid] = ix;
			return fl_use;
		/// <summary>
		/// Get an unused entry index, either from one of the freelists, or by allocating a new one
		/// </summary>
		internal int GetUnusedIndex(ref int mtid)
			Freelist fl_use;
#if newthing
			fl_use = GetFreelist(ref mtid);
			if (mtid == -1)
				mtid = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId % free_lists.Length;
			fl_use = free_lists[mtid];
			int gx;
			if (!fl_use.TryGetFreeIndex(out gx))
				if ((uint)m_gx_next >= 0xFFFFFFF0)
					throw new OverflowException("The dictionary already contains the amximum number of elements.");
				gx = Interlocked.Increment(ref m_gx_next) - 1;
			return gx;

		/// <summary>
		/// Add an entry index to one of the the freelists
		/// </summary>
		internal void ReleaseIndex(ref int mtid, int gx)
			Freelist fl_use;
#if newthing
			fl_use = GetFreelist(ref mtid);
			if (mtid == -1)
				mtid = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId % free_lists.Length;
			fl_use = free_lists[mtid];

		internal Entry[] GetBlock(int gx, out int offs)
			int i_block = (gx >> EntriesPerBlockPower);
			offs = gx & GlobalIndexMask;
			Entry[] eb = entry_blocks[i_block];
			if (eb == null)
				Entry[][] rgeb_loc = entry_blocks;
				if (i_block == rgeb_loc.Length - 1)
					Entry[][] rgeb_new = new Entry[rgeb_loc.Length + 0x10][];
					rgeb_loc.CopyTo(rgeb_new, 0);
					var t1 = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref entry_blocks, rgeb_new, rgeb_loc);
					rgeb_loc = (t1 == rgeb_loc) ? rgeb_new : t1;
				eb = rgeb_loc[i_block];
				if (eb == null)
					Entry[] eb_new = new Entry[EntriesPerBlock];
					eb = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref entry_blocks[i_block], eb_new, null) ?? eb_new;
#if false
			else if (offs >= ResizeTrigger)
				int mtid = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId % free_lists.Length;

			return eb;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public partial struct Entry
			/// to merit 'beforefieldinit' semantics, we cannot have a static constructor and must do this all inline
			static Type t_key = typeof(K);
			static Type t_value = typeof(V);
			static internal bool f_value_type_key = t_key.IsValueType;
			static internal bool f_value_type_value = t_value.IsValueType;
			static internal bool f_key_null_check = !f_value_type_key || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t_key) != null;
			static internal int StructureSize { get { return cb_ent; } }
			static int cb_ent = sizeof(int) + sizeof(uint) +
				(f_value_type_key ? Marshal.SizeOf(default(K)) : IntPtr.Size) +
				(f_value_type_value ? Marshal.SizeOf(default(V)) : IntPtr.Size);

			internal int gx_next;
			internal uint hash;
			internal K key;
			internal V value;

			static internal bool CompareValues(V v1, V v2)
				return (!f_value_type_value && v1 == null) ? v2 == null : v1.Equals(v2);

		/// <summary>
		/// Lock-free LIFO stack
		/// </summary>
		public partial class Freelist
			public Freelist(Config cfg)
				this.cfg = cfg;
				this.m_head = unchecked((UInt32)FreeListTerminator);
				this.p2 = new FalseSharingPadding();

			internal const Int32 FreelistHash = 0;
			internal const Int32 FreeListTerminator = unchecked((Int32)0xFFFFFFFE);
			const Int64 SequenceMask = unchecked((Int64)0xFFFFFFFF00000000);
			const Int64 SequenceIncrement = 0x0000000100000000;

			Config cfg;
			FalseSharingPadding p2;
			Int64 m_head;

			/// <summary>
			/// Add an item to the free list
			/// </summary>
			public void AddIndexToFreeList(int gx_add)
				Int64 new_head, head = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_head, 0, 0);

				int offs;
				Entry[] rg = cfg.GetBlock(gx_add, out offs);
				rg[offs] = default(Entry);		// permit GC release of reference types, set Entry.FreelistHash

				while (true)
					rg[offs].gx_next = (Int32)head;
					new_head = ((head + SequenceIncrement) & SequenceMask) | (UInt32)gx_add;

					if ((new_head = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_head, new_head, head)) == head)

					head = new_head;

			/// <summary>
			/// Pick the first item from the free list.
			/// </summary>
			/// <returns><value>true</value> if an free index is returned in <paramref name="gx_out"/>, 
			/// <value>false</value> otherwise.</returns>
			public bool TryGetFreeIndex(out int gx_out)
				Int64 same_head, new_head, head = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_head, 0, 0);
				while (true)
					int offs, gx_next;
					while (true)
						gx_out = (Int32)head;
						if (gx_out == FreeListTerminator)
							gx_out = -1;
							return false;
						gx_next = cfg.GetBlock(gx_out, out offs)[offs].gx_next;
						/// acquire frence: read of gx_next must occur prior to the read of m_head in this.Head.

						if (head == (same_head = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_head, 0, 0)))
						head = same_head;

					new_head = ((head + SequenceIncrement) & SequenceMask) | (UInt32)gx_next;

					if ((new_head = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_head, new_head, head)) == head)
						return true;

					head = new_head;

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 2000)]
internal struct FalseSharingPadding { }