using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Linq;

#pragma warning disable 0420

public partial class LockFreeDictionary<K, V> : IDictionary<K, V>
	where K : IEquatable<K>
	where V : IEquatable<V>
	internal enum TryResult { None = 0, Expired, Impossible, Ok };

	public partial class Config
		internal abstract partial class BucketList
			/// Layout of the Int64 BucketHead:
			///		                        cccccccc
			///		qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq|      |eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
			///		+-----------------------+------+-------------------------------+
			///		3              3               2               1               0
			///		FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210
			///		    q: sequence number, 0 - (2^27 - 1), in order to avoid ABA failures
			///		    c: number of entries in the chain
			///		    e: global index of the first entry in a chain of entries, 0 - (2^32 - 1)
			internal partial struct BucketHead
				BucketHead(BucketList bl, uint bx, Int64 v)
				{ = bl;
					this.bx = bx;
					this.v = v;

				internal BucketHead(BucketList bl, uint bx)
				{ = bl;
					this.bx = bx;
					if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
						this.v = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bl.rg[bx], 0, 0);
						this.v = bl.rg[bx];

				internal BucketHead(Config cfg, BucketList bl, uint bx, out EntryBlock.Entry e)
					: this(bl, bx)
					while (CapturedEntryCount > 0)
						cfg.GetEntryHot(CapturedFirstEntryIndex, out e);
						Int64 new_v;
						if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
							new_v = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bl.rg[bx], 0, 0);
							new_v = bl.rg[bx];
						if (this.v == new_v)
						this.v = new_v;
					e = default(EntryBlock.Entry);

				/// <summary>
				/// bucket list that the target bucket resides in and to which it belongs
				/// </summary>
				readonly BucketList bl;

				/// <summary>
				/// index in the target BucketList from which the target was originally obtained and will be (possibly) 
				/// re-stored
				/// </summary>
				readonly uint bx;

				/// <summary>
				/// originally witnessed version of the target bucket. This BucketHead structure only allows the target
				/// bucket to be modified if the proposed new value can be atomically exchanged with this value.
				/// </summary>
				readonly Int64 v;

				internal const Int64 EntryCountMask = 0x000000FF00000000;
				internal const Int64 SequenceIncrement = 0x0000010000000000;
				internal const Int64 SequenceMask = unchecked((Int64)0xFFFFFF0000000000);
				internal const Int64 FirstIndexMask = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;

				internal const Int32 EntriesPerBucketMax = 0x80;
				internal const Int32 EntriesPerBucketMask = EntriesPerBucketMax - 1;

				internal int CapturedFirstEntryIndex { get { return (int)v; } }

				internal int CapturedEntryCount { get { return (int)(v >> 32) & EntriesPerBucketMask; } }

				internal Config Config { get { return; } }

				internal bool IsExpired
						if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
							return v != Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bl.rg[bx], 0, 0);
						bool b = v != bl.rg[bx];
						return b;

				internal bool TryGetValue(int gx, out V value)
					bl.cfg.GetValueHot(gx, out value);
					return !IsExpired;
				internal bool TryGetKey(int gx, out K key)
					bl.cfg.GetKeyHot(gx, out key);
					return !IsExpired;

				internal bool TryUpdate(int gx_first, int c_ent)
					return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bl.rg[bx],
						((v + SequenceIncrement) & SequenceMask) |
						((Int64)c_ent << 32) | (UInt32)gx_first, v) == v;

				internal void Invalidate()
					/// try to effect our change, or get the current value
					Int64 v_cur = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bl.rg[bx], v + SequenceIncrement, v);

					/// we never have to try more than twice because if a change based on the new value isn't 
					/// accepted, we know that there must have been an invalidation since the time of this function 
					/// call which we can count for this function as well (invalidations are indistinguishable)
					if (v_cur != v)
						Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bl.rg[bx], v_cur + SequenceIncrement, v_cur);

				internal bool TryFindKey(uint h_in, K key, out int gx)
					int c_ent = CapturedEntryCount;
					gx = CapturedFirstEntryIndex;
					for (int i = 0; i < c_ent; i++)
						int gx_next;
						uint h = bl.cfg.GetHashAndNextHot(gx, out gx_next);
						if (h == h_in)
							K k;
							if (!TryGetKey(gx, out k))
								return false;

							if (k.Equals(key))
								return true;
						else if (IsExpired)
							return false;
						gx = gx_next;
					gx = -1;
					return true;

				internal bool TryFindKey(uint h_in, ref K key, out int gx_found, out int i_found, out int gx_last)
					gx_found = gx_last = i_found = -1;
					int gx = CapturedFirstEntryIndex, c_ent = CapturedEntryCount;
					for (int i = 0; i < c_ent; i++)
						gx_last = gx;
						uint h = bl.cfg.GetHashAndNextHot(gx_last, out gx);
						if (h == h_in)
							K k;
							if (!TryGetKey(gx_last, out k))
								return false;

							if (k.Equals(key))
								gx_found = gx_last;
								i_found = i;
						else if (IsExpired)
							return false;
					return true;

				internal bool TryRemoveFirstItem()
					int c = CapturedEntryCount;
					return c > 0 && TryUpdate(--c == 0 ? -1 : bl.cfg.GetNextHot(CapturedFirstEntryIndex), c);

				internal bool TryInsertFirstItem(ref int mtid, ref EntryBlock.Entry e)
					Config cfg = bl.cfg;
					int c = CapturedEntryCount;
					if (c == EntriesPerBucketMask)
						cfg.RequestBucketResize(ref mtid);
						return false;

					e.gx_next = c == 0 ? -1 : CapturedFirstEntryIndex;

					int gx = cfg.GetUnusedIndex(ref mtid);
					cfg.StoreEntryHot(gx, ref e);

					if (TryUpdate(gx, c + 1))
						return true;

					cfg.ReleaseIndex(ref mtid, gx);
					return false;

				internal TryResult CanCarouselTo(int gx_last, int gx_target, ref BucketHead bh_new)
					Debug.Assert(gx_last != -1);

					int n = bl.cfg.TransactEntryNext(gx_last, CapturedFirstEntryIndex, -1);
					if (n != -1 && n != CapturedFirstEntryIndex)
						return TryResult.Impossible;

					Int64 new_v = ((v + SequenceIncrement) & ~FirstIndexMask) | (UInt32)gx_target;
					if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bl.rg[bx], new_v, v) != v)
						return TryResult.Expired;

					bh_new = new BucketHead(bl, bx, new_v);
					return TryResult.Ok;

				internal bool TryReplaceFirst(ref int mtid, ref EntryBlock.Entry e)
					int gx = bl.cfg.GetUnusedIndex(ref mtid);
					bl.cfg.StoreEntryHot(gx, ref e);

					if (TryUpdate(gx, CapturedEntryCount))
						return true;

					bl.cfg.ReleaseIndex(ref mtid, gx);
					return false;

				internal bool TryRotateToEnd(ref int mtid, int gx_last, int i_target, ref BucketHead bh_new)
					Debug.Assert(gx_last != -1);

					/// couldn't use any tricks. rotate one at a time
					i_target = CapturedEntryCount - i_target - 1;
					while (true)
						if (!bh_new.RotateOnce(ref mtid, gx_last, ref bh_new))
							return false;
						if (--i_target == 0)
							return true;
						if (!bh_new.TryGetLast(out gx_last))
							return false;

				bool RotateOnce(ref int mtid, int gx_last, ref BucketHead bh_new)
					Config cfg = bl.cfg;
					EntryBlock.Entry e;
					cfg.GetEntryHot(gx_last, out e);
					e.gx_next = CapturedFirstEntryIndex;

					int gx_new = cfg.GetUnusedIndex(ref mtid);
					cfg.StoreEntryHot(gx_new, ref e);

					Int64 new_v = ((v + SequenceIncrement) & ~FirstIndexMask) | (UInt32)gx_new;
					if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref bl.rg[bx], new_v, v) != v)
						cfg.ReleaseIndex(ref mtid, gx_new);
						return false;
					cfg.ReleaseIndex(ref mtid, gx_last);
					bh_new = new BucketHead(bl, bx, new_v);
					return true;

				bool TryGetLast(out int gx_last)
					int c_ent = CapturedEntryCount;
					Debug.Assert(c_ent > 0);

					gx_last = CapturedFirstEntryIndex;
					for (int i = 0; i < c_ent - 1; i++)
						gx_last = bl.cfg.GetNextHot(gx_last);
						if (IsExpired)
							return false;
					return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// BucketList (abstract)
		/// </summary>
		internal abstract partial class BucketList
			readonly protected Int64[] rg;
			readonly protected Config cfg;
			bool f_closed = false;

			internal BucketList(Config cfg, Int64[] rg)
				this.cfg = cfg;
				this.rg = rg;
			internal BucketList(Config cfg, uint c_entries) : this(cfg, new Int64[HashFriendly(c_entries)]) { }

			internal bool IsCurrentForConfig { get { return cfg.m_buckets == this; } }

			internal uint BucketCount { get { return (uint)rg.Length; } }

			internal virtual bool GetBucketHead(ref int mtid, uint hash, out BucketHead bh)
				bh = new BucketHead(this, hash % (uint)rg.Length);
				return cfg.m_buckets == this;

			internal void InvalidateAllBuckets()
				for (uint i = 0; !f_closed && i < rg.Length; i++)
					new BucketHead(this, i).Invalidate();
				if (!f_closed)
					f_closed = true;

			static protected uint HashFriendly(uint c)
				int ix = Array.BinarySearch<uint>(some_primes, c);
				if (ix < 0)
					ix = ~ix;
				if (ix < some_primes.Length)
					return some_primes[ix];

				/// requested size is bigger than the largest prime in the table
				c |= 1;
				while (c % 3 == 0 || c % 5 == 0 || c % 7 == 0)
					c += 2;
				return c;

			static readonly uint[] some_primes = {
				0x000007, 0x00000B, 0x00000D, 0x000011, 0x000017, 0x00001D, 0x000025, 0x00002F, 0x00003B, 0x000043, 
				0x00004F, 0x000061, 0x00007F, 0x000089, 0x0000A3, 0x0000C5, 0x000101, 0x000115, 0x000133, 0x00014B, 
				0x00018D, 0x000209, 0x00022D, 0x000269, 0x0002A1, 0x00031D, 0x000419, 0x00045D, 0x0004D5, 0x000551, 
				0x00063D, 0x000833, 0x0008BD, 0x0009AD, 0x000AA9, 0x000C83, 0x001069, 0x001181, 0x00135D, 0x00155F, 
				0x001915, 0x0020E3, 0x002303, 0x0026C3, 0x002AC5, 0x003235, 0x0041CB, 0x004609, 0x004D8D, 0x005597, 
				0x006475, 0x0083A7, 0x008C17, 0x009B1D, 0x00AB4D, 0x00C8ED, 0x010751, 0x01183D, 0x01363F, 0x0156A7, 
				0x0191DD, 0x020EB5, 0x02307B, 0x026C81, 0x02AD57, 0x0323BF, 0x041D73, 0x0460FD, 0x04D905, 0x055AB3, 
				0x064787, 0x083AFD, 0x08C201, 0x09B215, 0x0AB57B, 0x0C8F4D, 0x107603, 0x118411, 0x136441, 0x20EC13, 
				0x2DC6D1, 0x41D82F, 0x4C4B4B, 0x5B8D8B, 0x6ACFC3, 0x7A1209, 0x83B073, 0x90F575, 0x989693 };

		/// <summary>
		/// BucketListPrimary - a list of buckets used during normal operation
		/// </summary>
		internal partial class BucketListPrimary : BucketList
			internal BucketListPrimary(Config cfg, uint c_entries) : base(cfg, c_entries) { }

			internal BucketListPrimary(Config cfg, Int64[] rg) : base(cfg, rg) { }

			/// <summary>
			/// Initiate bucket array resizing and continue on to assist with that task
			/// </summary>
			internal void InitiateBucketResize(ref int mtid)
				if (this.IsCurrentForConfig && this.cfg.IsCurrent)
					BucketListResize blr = new BucketListResize(cfg, this, HashFriendly(BucketCount * 2));
					cfg.ChangeBuckets(this, blr);
					cfg.CheckAssist(ref mtid);

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		internal partial class BucketListResize : BucketList
			readonly BucketListPrimary blp;
			int m_c_helpers;
			bool f_done = false;

			internal BucketListResize(Config c, BucketListPrimary blp, uint new_size)
				: base(c, new_size)
				this.blp = blp;
				this.m_c_helpers = 0;

			/// <summary>
			/// Conscript all callers to assist with the bucket resizing, no matter if it's already complete or not.
			/// </summary>
			internal override bool GetBucketHead(ref int mtid, uint hash, out BucketHead bh)
				_check_assist(ref mtid);

				return cfg.d.m_config.m_buckets.GetBucketHead(ref mtid, hash, out bh);

			/// <summary>
			/// Allow any number of helpers to cooperatively resize the bucket array
			/// </summary>
			internal void _check_assist(ref int mtid)
				if (!this.IsCurrentForConfig)

				/// wait-free: everyone sets all closed flags until the operation is confirmed and we have a frozen count

				uint i_helper = (uint)Interlocked.Increment(ref m_c_helpers) - 1;
				uint c_buckets_old = blp.BucketCount;
				uint n_chunk = BucketCount / (i_helper + 3);
				uint i_chunk = 0;

				if (i_helper == 0 && (cfg.d.m_options & Options.DebugOutput) > 0)
					Console.WriteLine("initiated resizing from {0} to {1} ({2} items)", c_buckets_old, BucketCount, cfg.m_count);

				/// the starting point for the single-stepping loop advances by a different chunk amount for each helper
				i_chunk = (i_chunk + n_chunk) % c_buckets_old;

				/// single-stepping loop. Restarted when any kind of contention is detected
				/// each helper must eventually confirm zero entries in all source buckets
				for (uint bx = i_chunk, c = 0; !f_done && c < c_buckets_old; bx = (bx + 1) % c_buckets_old, c++)
					/// loop until this bucket has zero entries, unless aborted first due to contention
					BucketHead bh_old;
					EntryBlock.Entry e;
					while ((bh_old = new BucketHead(cfg, blp, bx, out e)).CapturedEntryCount > 0)
						BucketHead bh_new = new BucketHead(this, e.hash % BucketCount);

						int gx;
						if (!bh_new.TryFindKey(e.hash, e.key, out gx))
							goto contention;

						if (gx != -1)
							if (!bh_old.TryRemoveFirstItem())
								goto contention;

							cfg.ReleaseIndex(ref mtid, bh_old.CapturedFirstEntryIndex);
						else if (!bh_new.TryInsertFirstItem(ref mtid, ref e))
							goto contention;
				if (!f_done)
					f_done = true;

				/// first one finished swaps out the swap set back to a primary set. Also, be sure not to swap into the latest config
				/// because if the dictionary was emptied while we were at work, we don't want to destroy any new items
				if (this.IsCurrentForConfig)
					cfg.ChangeBuckets(this, new BucketListPrimary(cfg, this.rg));

				if (i_helper == 0 && (cfg.d.m_options & Options.DebugOutput) > 0)