using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;

using miew.Debugging;
using miew.Enumerable;
using miew.String;
using miew.Unsafe;
using miew.Tokenization;
using miew.ReadOnly;
using miew.Concurrency;

namespace agree
	using unif_stats = ParseControl.Stats._unification;

	/// <summary>
	/// </summary>
	public class ParseChart : SubscriptionChart
		public ParseChart(ParseControl ctrl)
			: base(ctrl)
			ctrl.chart = this;

		/// <summary>
		/// Generate new activities for the specified IParseObj
		/// Try to unify the given chart edge against the KEY position of each compatible rule. If successful, proceed as 
		/// follows:
		/// - Unary rules are now finished up immediately here, creating a passive edge (without creating an ActiveEdge)
		/// and entering it into the parse chart.
		/// - Otherwise, an ActiveEdge that expands leftwards or rightwards is created, as appropriate. Active edges are 
		/// always seeded with a positioned passive edge, but note that neither this partial passive edge (nor the
		/// ActiveEdge) are ever entered into the parse chart. Instead, this function uses a subscription mechanism
		/// to register the active edge's interest in a particular chart position. This subscription is what keeps the 
		/// ActiveEdge (object) alive.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void GenerateActiveEdges(IParseObj ce)
			if (!ce.IsActive())

			/// this being a new task, we start a new set of statistics which will be aggregated later, in order
			/// to avoid syncrhonization expenses
			unif_stats u_stats = new unif_stats(ParseControl.Stats.Visibility.Private);
			Tfs new_tfs = ce.Tfs;
			int i_start = ce.TokenSpan.StartIndex;
			int i_end = ce.TokenSpan.EndIndex;
			bool f_entire_span = ce.TokenSpan.Equals(EntireSpan);
			bool f_packing = ctrl.parser_config.packing != Config.Parser.PackingOpts.None;

			/// Rule pre-check filter "A Bag of Useful Technique for Efficient and Robust Parsing" (Kiefer et al. 1999)
			IEnumerable<GrammarRule> rules_to_use;
			Rule new_daughter = ce.License as Rule;
			if (new_daughter != null)
				rules_to_use = new_daughter.CompatibleKeyMothers.OfType<GrammarRule>();
				rules_to_use = ctrl.g._grammar_rules;

			PassiveEdge.ParseObjs po = new PassiveEdge.ParseObjs(ce);

			foreach (GrammarRule r in rules_to_use)
				TfsSection[] rd = r.RuleDaughters;
				TfsSection daughter;

				int i_key = 0;
				if (rd.Length == 1)
					daughter = rd[0];
					i_key = r.KeyDaughterIndex;

					// if the edge will not fit, don't bother creating the active edge.
					if (i_start < i_key)

					if (i_end > ColumnCount - (rd.Length - i_key))

					/// We only have to try out one of the rule's ARGS positions and it doesn't matter which one it is,
					/// as long as that choice is consistently used for that rule. This allows us to choose the KEY arg 
					/// without the risk of doing double work. Usage of this new edge in the other alignments may be 
					/// handled later, when/if the rule succeeds in a neighboring chart position.
					if (i_key == 0)
						/// Since active edges only grow in one direction, there's no point in creating a span-only 
						/// active edge which does not abut the beginning (or end) of the chart.
						if (r.IsSpanOnly && i_start > 0)

						daughter = rd[0];
						if (r.IsSpanOnly && i_end < ColumnCount - 1)

						daughter = rd[rd.Length - 1];

				/// Quick-check:
				/// Robert Malouf, John Carroll, Ann Copestake. 2000. Efficient feature structure operations without compliation.
				///		Natural Language Engineering 6 (1): 29-46. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
				/// todo: track which qc rules failed for this rule daughter and propagate to the next rule..?
				if (ctrl.QuickCheckParse(new_tfs, daughter))

				MotherDaughterTfs mdtfs = ctrl.UnifySection(
											rd.Length == 1,
											ref u_stats);

				if (mdtfs != null)
					if (rd.Length > 2)

					if (rd.Length == 1)
						FinishMatchedEdge(r, mdtfs, ref po, ref u_stats);
					else if (i_key == 0)
						Subscribe(RIGHT, new ActiveRightEdge(this, r, mdtfs, ref po), ref u_stats);
						Subscribe(LEFT, new ActiveLeftEdge(this, r, mdtfs, ref po), ref u_stats);


		/// <summary>
		/// When a rule has successfully completed building all of its structure
		/// </summary>
		public unsafe void FinishMatchedEdge(GrammarRule rule, Tfs tfs, ref PassiveEdge.ParseObjs po, ref unif_stats u_stats)
			PassiveEdge.Derived nce = null;
			TextWriter tw = ctrl.config.system.tw_debug;

			/// try to match a start symbol
			bool f_entire_span = po.Span.Equals(EntireSpan);
			if (f_entire_span)
				StartSymbol[] rgss = ctrl.g.StartSymbols;
				bool* rgss_map = stackalloc bool[rgss.Length];
				int c_match = 0;
				int i_max_ix = -1;
				for (int i_ss = 0; i_ss < rgss.Length; i_ss++)
					StartSymbol start_sym = rgss[i_ss];

					if (ctrl.UnifyCheck(start_sym.Expanded, tfs))
						if (tw != null)
							tw.WriteLineColor("$darkgreen {0}$ matched start symbol $magenta {1}", nce, start_sym);

						/// If not packing, stop checking start symbols after a first match.
						if (ctrl.parser_config.packing == Config.Parser.PackingOpts.None)
							nce = new PassiveEdge.Completed(ctrl, rule, tfs, i_ss, ref po);

						/// If packing, check all start symbols and create a map of any matches.
						rgss_map[i_ss] = true;
						if (i_ss > i_max_ix)
							i_max_ix = i_ss;
				/// If packing, tag the spanning restricted edge as 'Completed' if it matched at least one 
				/// start symbol. Only such edges--and their packed contents--need to be examined in the 
				/// unpacking phase
				if (c_match == 1)
					nce = new PassiveEdge.Completed(ctrl, rule, tfs, i_max_ix, ref po);
				else if (c_match > 1)
					nce = new PassiveEdge.Completed(ctrl, rule, tfs, Ext.ToArray(rgss_map, i_max_ix + 1), ref po);

			nce = nce ?? new PassiveEdge.Derived(ctrl, rule, tfs, ref po);

			ctrl.StartAttachedChildTask(AddParseObj, nce);

		/// <summary>
		/// Check for a subsumption relationship between a newly derived edge and any of the existing co-spanning edges.
		/// Proactive packing occurs when the existing edge subsumes the new edge, or when they subsume each other (which
		/// means they are identical). Retroactive packing occurs when the new edge subsumes the existing edge. There are
		/// two other possibilities: that there is no overall subsumption relationship between otherwise compatible edges, 
		/// or that the two are incompatible (do not unify). Fortunately, no packing is indicated in either case, because 
		/// if we had to distinguish between these two cases, the subsumption test would be much less efficient (it would
		/// have to resolve coreference chains).
		/// </summary>
		/// <reference>
		/// Stephan Oepen, John Carroll. 2000. "Ambiguity Packing in Constraint-based Parsing--Practical Results."
		/// In Proceedings of the 1st North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 
		/// conference. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, 162-169. 
		/// </reference>
		/// <remarks>
		/// derived parents of packed edges automatically become defunct (not 'active'). Since only packed
		/// edges can be in the 'hold' state, any edge that has a daughter in the 'hold' state can be
		/// ignored; this is achieved by incrementing a global generation count which
		/// immediately invalidates all of these states, which are cached, causing any still 'active' chart edge 
		/// to re-evaluate this condition regarding itself, on demand, at such time as it's queried. Now since we 
		/// are in the parsing phase, the fact that we just put an object in the 'hold' state doesn't affect any 
		/// of these parent/daughter results ('hold' does not entail 'defunct') but what does make a difference 
		/// is the transfer of the packed edges from the old edge to the new, as the _daughters_ of the old edge 
		/// may now--or at such future time as they become defunct--cause the deactivation of their altered
		/// derivation list.
		/// </remarks>
		protected override bool SubsumptionPacking(IParseObj po)
			PassiveEdge new_edge = po as PassiveEdge;
			if (new_edge == null)
				return false;
			int i_seq = new_edge.SequenceId;

			Config.Parser pcfg = ctrl.parser_config;
			sbyte opt = (sbyte)pcfg.packing;
			bool f_exact = (opt & (sbyte)Config.Parser.PackingOpts.Only) > 0;
			if (f_exact)
				opt &= (sbyte)~Config.Parser.PackingOpts.Only;

			bool f_entire_span = new_edge.IsEntireSpan;

			List<PassiveEdge> deferred_retro = null;

			for (var e = new ChartCell._enum(this[new_edge.TokenSpan]); e.MoveNext(); )
				PassiveEdge existing = e.Current as PassiveEdge;

				/// packing of morphology edges is currently not implemented
				if (existing == null || existing == new_edge)

				if ((existing.State & (SequenceControl.stb_Hold | SequenceControl.stb_Remove)) > 0)

				/// Don't permit a spanning edge which didn't match a start symbol (i.e. PassiveEdge.Derived)
				/// to be packed into one that did (i.e. PassiveEdge.Completed), nor vice-versa.
				if (f_entire_span && new_edge.GetType() != existing.GetType())

				if (!existing.SeqIdBelow(i_seq))

				/// evaluate the subsumption relationship between two TFSen
				sbyte b = new Subsumption(existing, new_edge).Check();
				if ((f_exact && b != opt) || (b & opt) == 0)

				/// proactive packing (the existing edge subsumes or is equivalent to the new edge)
				if ((b & Subsumption.FirstSubsumesSecond) > 0)
					/// ????  DoSkippedItems()   ????
					if (deferred_retro != null)
						//	Console.Write("m");
						DoSkippedItems(new_edge, deferred_retro);
						deferred_retro = null;

					/// for proactive, this is likely the last thing to do, so we should wait for it
					if (existing.BeginTransact())
						/// put the new, unpublished edge on HOLD before being added to the packing list, so 
						/// that it can be never witnessed as active in any context
						//Interlocked.Increment(ref g_dseq);


						return true;

				/// retroactive packing (the new edge subsumes the existing edge)
				if (b == Subsumption.SecondSubsumesFirst)
					int _tmp = existing.TryTransact();
					if (_tmp == SequenceControl.ACTIVE)
						/// our claim is secure; release lock on 'old' as quickly as possible

						/// see notes above
						//Interlocked.Increment(ref g_dseq);

					else if ((_tmp & SequenceControl.stb_Blocked) > 0)
						/// if a retroactive edge is busy, we'll just make a note of it to try again later
						(deferred_retro = deferred_retro ?? new List<PassiveEdge>(7)).Add(existing);

			if (deferred_retro != null)
				DoSkippedItems(new_edge, deferred_retro);
			return false;

		/// <summary>
		/// Try to complete the retroactive packing for edges that were blocked earlier
		/// </summary>
		void DoSkippedItems(PassiveEdge new_edge, List<PassiveEdge> skipped)
			int c = skipped.Count;
			int ix = -1;
				PassiveEdge existing;
					if (++ix == skipped.Count)
						ix = 0;
				while ((existing = skipped[ix]) == null);
				int _tmp = existing.TryTransact();
				if (_tmp == SequenceControl.ACTIVE)

				else if ((_tmp & SequenceControl.stb_Blocked) > 0)
					if (c == 1)
						new SpinWait().SpinOnce();
						goto one_left;
				skipped[ix] = null;
			while (--c > 0);

#if false
			while (skipped.Count > 0)
				PassiveEdge existing = skipped[ix = (ix + 1) % skipped.Count];
				int _tmp = existing.TryTransact();
				if (_tmp == SequenceControl.ACTIVE)

					/// see notes above
					//Interlocked.Increment(ref g_dseq);

				else if ((_tmp & SequenceControl.stb_Blocked) > 0)
					if (skipped.Count == 1)
						new SpinWait().SpinOnce();

		/// <summary>
		/// Exhaustive unpacking of all completed parses in the chart
		/// </summary>
		public ICollection<IDerivation> AllDerivations
				ParseControl.Stats stats = ctrl.stats;
				if (ctrl.parser_config.packing == Config.Parser.PackingOpts.None)
					Debug.Assert(stats.Parsing.Chart.c_root_edges == _completed_edges.Count);
					return new DeferredCollection<IDerivation>(
								_completed_edges.Select(po => po.Derivations[0]));
					ConcurrentList<IDerivation> ild = new ConcurrentList<IDerivation>();
					foreach (var po in _completed_edges)
						if (!po.IsActive())

						if (ctrl.TryEnterMultithread())
							Parallel.ForEach(po.Derivations, drv =>
								if (drv.UnpackedTfs != null)
									Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.Parsing.Unpacking.c_rejected_derivations);

							foreach (var drv in po.Derivations)
								if (drv.UnpackedTfs != null)
					stats.Parsing.Unpacking.c_derivations = ild.Count;
					return ild;

		/// <summary>
		/// Exhaustive unpacking of all completed parses in the chart
		/// </summary>
		public int DerivationCountOnly
				ParseControl.Stats stats = ctrl.stats;
				if (ctrl.parser_config.packing == Config.Parser.PackingOpts.None)
					Debug.Assert(stats.Parsing.Chart.c_root_edges == _completed_edges.Count);
					return stats.Parsing.Chart.c_root_edges;
					foreach (var po in _completed_edges)
						if (!po.IsActive())

						if (ctrl.TryEnterMultithread())
							Parallel.ForEach(po.Derivations, drv =>
								if (drv.UnpackedTfs == null)
									Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.Parsing.Unpacking.c_rejected_derivations);
									Interlocked.Increment(ref stats.Parsing.Unpacking.c_derivations);
							foreach (var drv in po.Derivations)
								if (drv.UnpackedTfs == null)
					return stats.Parsing.Unpacking.c_derivations;