using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using miew.ReadOnly; using miew.Enumerable; using miew.Debugging; using miew.BitArray; namespace agree { public abstract partial class PassiveEdge : ArrayTfs, IParseObj { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// initial lexical edges are now directly (polymorphically) introduced into the chart as AnalysisStack objects via /// their implementation of the IParseObj interface /// </remarks> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [DebuggerDisplay("{ToString(),nq}")] public partial class Derived : PassiveEdge { [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] ParseObjs rgo; public Derived(ParseControl ctrl, GrammarRule rule, Tfs tfs, ref ParseObjs rgo) : base(ctrl, rgo.Span, rule, tfs) { this.rgo = rgo; // this.m_dseq = -1; ctrl.stats.Parsing.Chart.PassiveEdge(); } // public int m_dseq; // public static int qc = 0; #if false public void DirectCancel() { int _tmp = ctrl.chart.g_dseq; if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_dseq, _tmp) == _tmp) return; for (int j = 0; j < rgo.Count; j++) { Derived dtr = rgo[j] as Derived; if (dtr != null) { if (dtr.IsHold()) dtr.DirectCancel(); else if (!dtr.IsRemove()) continue; this.s_state = SequenceControl.REMOVE; Interlocked.Increment(ref qc); break; } } } #endif public ParseObjs ChartDaughters { get { return rgo; } } [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] public IEnumerable<IParseObj> Descendants { get { Derived dpe; foreach (IParseObj ipce in rgo) { yield return ipce; if ((dpe = ipce as Derived) != null) foreach (IParseObj ipce_d in dpe.Descendants) yield return ipce_d; } } } [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] public IEnumerable<IParseObj> DescendantsAndSelf { get { yield return this; foreach (IParseObj ipce in Descendants) yield return ipce; } } /// <summary> /// when initiated with 'i_arg==0', enumerates the fixed-arity cross product of the packed trees /// across each of this edge's chart daughters /// </summary> IEnumerable<IEnumerable<IDerivation>> _rightwards(int i_arg) { Debug.Assert(!this.IsRemove()); IParseObj unary = rgo[i_arg]; Debug.Assert(unary.IsActive()); foreach (var d in unary.Derivations) { if (i_arg == rgo.Count - 1) yield return new IDerivation[] { d }; else { IParseObj po = rgo[i_arg + 1]; if (po.IsActive()) foreach (var tree_xp in _rightwards(i_arg + 1)) yield return tree_xp.Prepend(d); } } } [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] IEnumerable<IDerivation> _packed_trees { get { Debug.Assert(!this.IsRemove()); /// trees postulated by the cross product of this item's daughters... if (rgo[0].IsActive()) { if (rgo.Count == 1) foreach (var e in rgo[0].Derivations) yield return new ParseTree(this.ctrl, this, new IDerivation[] { e }); else foreach (var e in _rightwards(0)) yield return new ParseTree(this.ctrl, this, e); } /// subsumed structures packed into this item itself (and their subsumptions...) if (this.IsActive()) foreach (var e in _peer_packed()) yield return e; } } static public readonly IDerivation[] NoDerivations = new IDerivation[0]; /// <summary> /// exhaustive unpacking of trees which are packed into this item with thread-safe cache /// </summary> [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] IDerivation[] _parse_trees = null; [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] public override IList<IDerivation> Derivations { get { Debug.Assert(!this.IsRemove()); Debug.Assert(ctrl.f_parse_phase_complete); IDerivation[] _tmp; return _parse_trees ?? Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _parse_trees, _tmp = _packed_trees.ToArray(), null) ?? _tmp; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override string ToString() { return String.Format("{0} {1}", TokenSpan, base.ToString()); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// a derived passive chart edge which has been matched against one or more start symbols /// </summary> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class Completed : Derived { static bool[][] singleton_maps; static bool[] GetSingletonMap(ParseControl ctrl, int i_ss) { if (singleton_maps == null) Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref singleton_maps, new bool[ctrl.g.StartSymbols.Length][], null); bool[] _tmp = singleton_maps[i_ss]; if (_tmp == null) { _tmp = new bool[i_ss + 1]; _tmp[i_ss] = true; singleton_maps[i_ss] = _tmp; } return _tmp; } readonly bool[] start_symbol_map; public Completed(ParseControl ctrl, GrammarRule rule, Tfs tfs, bool[] rgss_map, ref ParseObjs rgo) : base(ctrl, rule, tfs, ref rgo) { this.start_symbol_map = rgss_map; ctrl.chart._completed_edges.Add(this); ctrl.stats.Parsing.Chart.RootEdge(); } public Completed(ParseControl ctrl, GrammarRule rule, Tfs tfs, int i_ss, ref ParseObjs rgo) : this(ctrl, rule, tfs, GetSingletonMap(ctrl, i_ss), ref rgo) { } public bool[] MatchedStartSymbolsMap { get { return start_symbol_map; } } public IEnumerable<StartSymbol> MatchedStartSymbols { get { for (int i = 0; i < start_symbol_map.Length; i++) if (start_symbol_map[i]) yield return ctrl.g.StartSymbols[i]; } } public new String SysObjName { get { return String.Format("parse{0}", i_seq >> 1); } } public new ISysObj SysObjParent { get { return ctrl; } } public new IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ISysObj> SysObjChildren { get { return SysObjHelper<ISysObj>.Empty; } } //public string SysObjDescription //{ // get { return String.Format("{0} ({1})", License != null ? License.SysObjName : "null license", start_symbol.SysObjName); } //} } }; }