using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

using miew.Debugging;

namespace agree
	/// <summary>
	/// N-way unification testing
	/// </summary>
	public unsafe class NWayCheck
	public unsafe struct NWayCheck
		const sbyte TfsCheckBottom = -1;
		const sbyte TfsCheckOk = 0;

		const int CorefsMax = 500;
		const int ArgArityMax = 11;
		const int CorefArityMax = 20;
		const int MaxParticipants = 16;		// (13)

		int[][] rgrgfix;

		TypeMgr tm;

		Tfs[] participants;

		byte c_participants;

		NwayArgs* _corefs, pc_next;

		NwayArgs** ppmb_next, pp_map_base;

		NwayArgs*** participant_bases;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public NWayCheck(TypeMgr tm)
#if !DEBUG
			: this()
		{ = tm;
			this.rgrgfix = tm.rgrgfix_by_type;
			this.participants = new Tfs[MaxParticipants];

		/// <summary>
		/// n-way unification : locates and traverses a unilateral, type-compatible monotonic descent, if one exists, through 
		/// any number of internally coreferenced typed feature structures (TFS).
		/// </summary>
		public bool _check(NwayArgs* pnwa_in)
			NwayArgs nwa;
			foreach (int i_feat in rgrgfix[(int)(pnwa_in->f & Edge.Flag.MultiIdMask)])
				bool f_expand = false;
				NwayArgs* pc = null;
				NwayArgs* pnwa = &nwa;
				pnwa->c_args = 0;
				pnwa->f = 0;

				for (int nm, i = 0; i < pnwa_in->c_args; i++)
					byte tfsix = pnwa_in->rg_tfsix[i];
					Tfs tfs = participants[tfsix];
					Edge.Flag nf = tfs.TryGetFlagsMark(i_feat, pnwa_in->marks[i], out nm);
					if (nf == 0)
					nf = nf & ~(Edge.Flag.Coreference | Edge.Flag.PrunedDuringParsing);
					if (pnwa->f == 0 || pnwa->f == nf)
						pnwa->f = nf;
						f_expand = false;
					else if (nf != 0)
						Edge.Flag prev = pnwa->f;
						pnwa->f = tm.UnifyTypesNoCoref(prev, nf);
						if (pnwa->f == Edge.Flag.Bottom)
							return false;

						if (pnwa->f == nf)
							f_expand = false;
						else if (pnwa->f != prev)
							f_expand = true;
						/* note: if (f == prev), retain previous f_expand state */

					if (nm < 0)
						NwayArgs* pc_cur = participant_bases[tfsix][~nm];
						if (pc_cur == null)
							byte c_remain = tfs.coref_tally_map[~nm];
							Debug.Assert(c_remain > 0);

							// orphan corefs (m<0) are not added to coref table. thus, it is not an error for
							// a negative mark to appear in the nwa
							if (c_remain <= 1)
								goto coref_bit_false_positive;

							if (pc == null)
								// nwa can have orphan marks (m<0)
								Debug.Assert(tfsix < c_participants);
								pc = participant_bases[tfsix][~nm] = pc_next++;
								if (nwa.c_args == 0)
									pc->f = nwa.f;
									*pc = nwa;
								pc->c_remain = c_remain;
								pnwa = pc;
								pc->c_remain += c_remain;
								participant_bases[tfsix][~nm] = pc;
							if (!tm.UnifyInTypeNoCoref(ref pnwa->f, pc_cur->f))
								return false;
							if (pc == null)
								pc = pc_cur;
								pc->f = nwa.f;
								pnwa = pc;
								for (byte j = 0; j < nwa.c_args; j++)
									AddResumePoint(pnwa, nwa.rg_tfsix[j], nwa.marks[j]);

							else if (pc != pc_cur)
								pc->c_remain += pc_cur->c_remain;
								pc_cur->c_remain = 0;

								for (byte j = 0; j < pc_cur->c_args; j++)
									byte _tfsix = pc_cur->rg_tfsix[j];
									int _m = pc_cur->marks[j];

									AddResumePoint(pnwa, _tfsix, _m);
									if (_m < 0)
										participant_bases[_tfsix][~_m] = pc;
						Debug.Assert(pc->c_remain > 0);
					if (nm != 0)
						//CheckAddResumePoint(pnwa, tfsix, nm);
						for (byte j = 0; j < pnwa->c_args; j++)
							if (pnwa->marks[j] == nm && pnwa->rg_tfsix[j] == tfsix)
								goto ah3;

						byte ii = pnwa->c_args++;
						pnwa->rg_tfsix[ii] = tfsix;
						pnwa->marks[ii] = nm;

				if (f_expand && (pnwa->f & Edge.Flag.EtmNonBareType) != 0)
					Tfs tfs_exp = tm.type_arr[(int)(pnwa->f & Edge.Flag.MultiIdMask)].Expanded;
					Debug.Assert(!(tfs_exp is BareTfs));
					AddResumePoint(pnwa, AddTfs(tfs_exp), tfs_exp.Edge.Mark);

				if (pnwa->c_args != 0 && (pc == null || pc->c_remain == 0) && (pnwa->f & Edge.Flag.EtmNonBareType) != 0)
					if (!_check(pnwa))
						return false;
			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		void AddResumePoint(NwayArgs* pnwa, byte tfsix, int m)
			Debug.Assert(m != 0);
			Debug.Assert(tfsix < c_participants);

			if (pnwa->c_args >= ArgArityMax)
				throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("need n-way arg arity {0}", pnwa->c_args + 1));
			byte i = pnwa->c_args++;
			pnwa->rg_tfsix[i] = tfsix;
			pnwa->marks[i] = m;

		/// <summary>
		/// In general, coreferenced marks should not be added with this function, because it this does not do
		/// any re-pointing. However, orphan corefs are not entered into the coref table and thus can appear in the nwa 
		/// prior to discovering a proper coref amongst the current args. They do not need repointing.
		/// </summary>
		bool CheckAddResumePoint(NwayArgs* pnwa, byte tfsix, int m)
			Debug.Assert(m != 0);
			for (byte j = 0; j < pnwa->c_args; j++)
				if (pnwa->rg_tfsix[j] == tfsix && pnwa->marks[j] == m)
					return false;

			AddResumePoint(pnwa, tfsix, m);
			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		byte AddTfs(Tfs tfs)
			if (c_participants >= MaxParticipants)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("need more participant slots");

			if (tfs.coref_tally_map == null)

			byte tfsix = c_participants++;
			participants[tfsix] = tfs;

			participant_bases[tfsix] = ppmb_next;
			ppmb_next += tfs.coref_tally_map.Length;
			if (ppmb_next - pp_map_base > CorefsMax)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("need more coref slots");

			return tfsix;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		bool _check(Edge.Flag f, Tfs tfs1, Tfs tfs2)
			NwayArgs* _p = stackalloc NwayArgs[CorefsMax];
			pc_next = _corefs = _p;

			NwayArgs** _pp = stackalloc NwayArgs*[CorefsMax];
			ppmb_next = pp_map_base = _pp;

			NwayArgs*** _ppp = stackalloc NwayArgs**[MaxParticipants];
			participant_bases = _ppp;

			NwayArgs nwa;
			AddResumePoint(&nwa, AddTfs(tfs1), tfs1.Edge.Mark);
			AddResumePoint(&nwa, AddTfs(tfs2), tfs2.Edge.Mark);

			nwa.f = f;
			if (!_check(&nwa))
				return false;

			/// Self-blocking structures will result in non-zero tally remainders. The presence of such structure implies 
			/// unification failure.
			for (NwayArgs* pc = _corefs; pc < pc_next; pc++)
				if (pc->c_remain != 0)
					return false;

			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public static bool Check(Tfs tfs1, Tfs tfs2)
			TypeMgr tm =;
			Edge.Flag nf = tm.UnifyTypesNoCoref(
									tfs1.Edge.FlagsId & ~Edge.Flag.Coreference, 
									tfs2.Edge.FlagsId & ~Edge.Flag.Coreference);
			if (nf == Edge.Flag.Bottom)
				return false;
			if ((nf & Edge.Flag.EtmNonBareType) == 0)
				return true;
			Debug.Assert(nf == tfs1.Edge.FlagsId || nf == tfs2.Edge.FlagsId);

			return new NWayCheck(tm)._check(nf, tfs1, tfs2);

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public partial struct NwayArgs
			public byte c_args;
			public fixed byte rg_tfsix[ArgArityMax];
			public fixed int marks[ArgArityMax];
			public Edge.Flag f;
			public int c_remain;

			//public int TypeId { get { return (int)(f & Edge.Flag.MultiIdMask); } }