//#define CIL_EMIT
//#define FCTC_STATS
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Threading;

using miew.BitArray;
using miew.Debugging;
using miew.Enumerable;
using miew.String;

namespace agree
	public unsafe partial class TypeMgr
		public Allocator da;
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public TypeMgr(Grammar g)
			(this.g = g).tm = this;
			this.config = g.config;
			da = new Allocator(this);

			this.strings = new Strings(this);
			this.fcm = new FeatureConfig.Manager(this);

			TopType = Type.MakeTopType(this, config.types.top_type);
			TopTfs = new BareTfs(TopType);
			type_dict.Add(config.types.top_type, TopType);

		///	<summary>
		///	Contiguously assigned, zero-based type id numbers are used for GLB caching. Sorted topologically because
		///	topwards types are expected to be more heavily used, so they should allocate the base of the triangular cache
		///	matrix, so as to avoid wasted
		/// </summary>
		public BareTfs TopTfs;
		public const int TopId = 0;
		public int StringId;
		public Type[] type_arr;
		public Dictionary<String, Type> type_dict = new Dictionary<String, Type>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
		public int c_types = -1;
		public int c_t_bits = -1;
		public int code_size;
		int next_glb_num = 1;

		public FeatureConfig.Manager fcm;
		public FeatureConfig[] fc_by_index = null;
		public FeatureConfig[] fc_by_type = null;
		public int[][] rgrgfix_by_type;
		public int[][] rgrgfix_autotune;

		public FeatureInfo[] feat_arr;
		public Dictionary<String, FeatureInfo> feat_map = new Dictionary<String, FeatureInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

		public Dictionary<String, Entry> entry_dict = new Dictionary<String, Entry>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

		public IList<Type> AllTypes { get { return type_arr; } }
		public IEnumerable<Entry> AllEntries { get { return entry_dict.Values; } }
		public IEnumerable<Instance> AllInstances { get { return AllTypes.AsEnumerable<Instance>().Concat(AllEntries); } }
		public ICollection<String> Features { get { return feat_map.Keys; } }

		public Config config;

		public Strings strings;

		public Grammar g;

		bool f_petrified = false;

		/// certain special types
		public Type TopType;
		public Type StringType;
		public Type tt_list_head;
		public Type tt_list;
		public Type tt_empty;
		public Type tt_dlist_list;
		public Type tt_dlist_last;
		public Type tt_key_daughter;
		public StartSymbol[] rgtt_start_symbols;

		public Type tt_label;
		public Type tt_meta;

		/// feature index for certain special features
		public int f_ix_list_head;
		public int f_ix_list_tail;
		public int f_ix_dlist_list;
		public int f_ix_dlist_last;

		public int ms_expand = 0;

		public void LoadTypeHierarchyFromTdl(CommandToken tx, GrammarFileSet tdlg)
			/// Aggregate Type token streams into groups and load the authored type hierarchy from these identifier groups.
			tx.TransactionStatus("Loading types.");
			LoadTypes(new TokenGrouper(TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.Tdl, tdlg.tdl));
			tdlg.tdl = null;

			/// Embed the bounded complete partial order in the type graph
			tx.TransactionStatus("Computing Greatest Lower Bound closure of the type hierarchy.");

			/// Read all Features and attach them to their introducing type. Validate appropriateness conditions and determine 
			/// maximal types for all features. Ensure the validity of the type hierarchy according to certain properties of 
			/// the formalism.
			tx.TransactionStatus("Loading features.");

			/// Resolve special types: attach special configuration types used in lists, etc.
			tx.TransactionStatus("Resolve special types.");

		/// <summary>
		/// Aggregate Entry token streams into groups, construct Entries. Release references to the original tokens
		/// as soon as they are no longer needed. In the future, we may wish to retain these to enable live
		/// editing scenarios.
		/// </summary>
		public void LoadEntriesFromTdl(CommandToken tx, GrammarFileSet tdlg)
			/// 1. basic grammar rule entries
			tx.TransactionStatus("Loading grammar rule entries.");
			LoadEntries(new TokenGrouper(TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.GrammarRule, tdlg.grules));
			tdlg.grules = null;

			/// 2. lexical rule entries
			tx.TransactionStatus("Loading lexical rule entries.");
			LoadEntries(new TokenGrouper(TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.LexicalRule, tdlg.irules));
			tdlg.irules = null;

			/// 3. lexical entries
			tx.TransactionStatus("Scanning lexical entries.");
			LoadEntries(new TokenGrouper(TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.Lexicon, tdlg.lexicon));
			tdlg.lexicon = null;

			/// 4. node label entries
			tx.TransactionStatus("Loading node label entries.");
			LoadEntries(new TokenGrouper(TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.Label, tdlg.labels));
			tdlg.labels = null;

			/// 5. start symbol entries
			tx.TransactionStatus("Loading start symbol entries.");
			LoadEntries(new TokenGrouper(TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.Start, tdlg.roots));
			tdlg.roots = null;

			/// Resolve start symbols and some special rule types

		public Type GetMaximalTypeForFeatureToken(TdlTok tok)
			if (tok.t != TdlTok.Type.Identifier)
				TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tok, "Expected a feature: '{0}'", tok.t.ToString());

			FeatureInfo fi;
			if (!feat_map.TryGetValue(tok.i_s, out fi))
				TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tok, "Unknown feature: '{0}'", tok.i_s);

			return fi.maximal_type;

		public Type GetMaximalTypeForFeature(int i_feat)
			return feat_arr[i_feat].maximal_type;

		public int GetFeatureIndex(String f)
			FeatureInfo fi;
			return feat_map.TryGetValue(f, out fi) ? fi.i_feat : -1;

		/// <summary>
		/// initialize Entry dictionary with all Entry symbol names
		/// </summary>
		public void LoadEntries(IEnumerable<TokenDefinitionGroup> file_edefs)
			foreach (TokenDefinitionGroup tdg in file_edefs)
				if (tdg.f_append)
					TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tdg.tok_ident, "Cannot append type information in an entry description.");

				TdlTok id_tok = tdg.tok_ident;

				Type tt_cur = TopType;
				foreach (TdlTok tok_par in tdg.conj_par)
					Type tt_par;
					if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(tok_par.i_s, out tt_par))
						TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tok_par, String.Format("Entry description uses undefined parent type {0}", tok_par.i_s));

					int tid_new;
					if ((tid_new = GetGlbCheckTopAndIdentity(tt_cur.m_id, tt_par.m_id)) == -1)
						TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tok_par, String.Format("Parent types {0} specified for entry description {1} do not unify",
							tdg.conj_par.Select(t => t.i_s).StringJoin(" "),
					tt_cur = type_arr[tid_new];

				Entry e;
				if (entry_dict.TryGetValue(id_tok.i_s, out e))
					TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(id_tok, String.Format("Symbol {0} is already defined.", id_tok.i_s));

				switch (tdg.type)
					case TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.GrammarRule:
						e = new GrammarRule(tt_cur, id_tok.i_s, tdg.m_bfc);
					case TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.LexicalRule:
						if (tdg.morph_subrules == null || tdg.morph_subrules.Count == 0)
							e = new LexicalRule(tt_cur, id_tok.i_s, tdg.m_bfc);
							e = new MorphologicalRule(tt_cur, id_tok.i_s, tdg.m_bfc, tdg.morph_subrules);
						tdg.morph_subrules = null;
					case TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.Lexicon:
						e = new LexicalEntry(tt_cur, id_tok.i_s, tdg.m_bfc);
					case TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.Label:
						if (tdg.conj_par.Any(tk => StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(tk.i_s, tt_label.Name) == 0))
							e = new NodeLabelTemplate(tt_cur, id_tok.i_s, tdg.m_bfc);
						else if (tdg.conj_par.Any(tk => StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(tk.i_s, tt_meta.Name) == 0))
							e = new NodeMetaTemplate(tt_cur, id_tok.i_s, tdg.m_bfc);
							String msg = String.Format(
								"'{0}' must be either a label template derived from type '{1}' or a meta template derived from type '{2}'",
							TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(id_tok, msg);
					case TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.Start:
						e = new StartSymbol(tt_cur, id_tok.i_s, tdg.m_bfc);
						throw new InvalidOperationException();
				Debug.Assert(tdg.morph_subrules == null);

				entry_dict.Add(id_tok.i_s, e);

		public Type LookupType(TdlTok tok)
			String s_type = tok.i_s;
			Type tt;
			if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(s_type, out tt))
				TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tok, "Invalid type: '{0}'", s_type);

			return tt;

		Type AddType(String s_name, List<BaseFeatConstraint> bfc)
			Type t = new Type(this, s_name, bfc);
			type_dict.Add(s_name, t);
			return t;

		/// <summary>
		/// initialize Type dictionary with all Type names
		/// </summary>
		public void LoadTypes(IEnumerable<TokenDefinitionGroup> file_tdefs)
			/// Since we make two passes on the enumerable, pre-load the grouping computation if necessary
			TokenDefinitionGroup[] rgtdg = file_tdefs as TokenDefinitionGroup[] ?? file_tdefs.ToArray();

			foreach (TokenDefinitionGroup tdg in rgtdg)
				TdlTok id_tok = tdg.tok_ident;
				Type tfst;
				if (!tdg.f_append)
					if (tdg.conj_par.Count == 0 && tdg.type != TokenDefinitionGroup.Type.Label)
						TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(id_tok, "Type defines no parents.");

					if (type_dict.TryGetValue(id_tok.i_s, out tfst))
						TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(id_tok, String.Format("{0} already defined", id_tok.i_s));

					tfst = AddType(id_tok.i_s, tdg.m_bfc);

			// check and build each type's parent types
			foreach (TokenDefinitionGroup tdg in rgtdg)
				if (tdg.f_append)
					Type tfst_master;
					if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(tdg.Identifier, out tfst_master))
						TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tdg.tok_ident, "Cannot append type information to undefined type.");

				Type tfst_cur = type_dict[tdg.Identifier];
				foreach (TdlTok tok_par in tdg.conj_par)
					Type tfst;
					if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(tok_par.i_s, out tfst))
						TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tok_par, String.Format("Type uses undefined parent type {0}", tok_par.i_s));
					if (tfst_cur == tfst)
						TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(tok_par, String.Format("Type {0} must not refer to itself as a parent", tok_par.i_s));

		///	<summary>
		/// EmbedBcpo
		/// Embed the type hierarchy in a bounded complete partial order (BCPO) lattice by inserting greatest-
		/// lower bound (GLB) types as required.
		/// References:
		/// Hassan Ait-Kaci, Robert Boyer, Patrick Lincoln, Roger Nasr. 1989. "Efficient Implementation of Lattice
		///		Operations"
		/// Ulrich Callmeier. 2001. "Efficient Parsing with Large-Scale Unification Grammars" p.28-30.
		/// Gerald Penn. 2000. "The Algebraic Structure of Attributed Type Signatures" p. 30-34
		/// Bernd Kiefer, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, John Carroll, Rob Malouf. "A Bag of Useful Techniques for Efficient
		///		and Robust Parsing" p. 475.
		/// </summary>
		public void EmbedBcpo()
			// retain the number of types prior to adding GLBs
			code_size = type_dict.Count;

			// check for inheritance from *top* and assign a maximal-depth value to each node
			foreach (Type t in type_dict.Values)

			// generate Aït-Kaci transitive-closure codes for all user-specified types, in order according to
			// the depth values just determined.
			code_dict = new Dictionary<BitArr, Type>();
			Type[] bitpos2type = new Type[code_size];
			int cur_code = code_size - 1;

			foreach (Type tt in type_dict.Values.OrderByDescending(e => e.m_level))
				BitArr code = new BitArr(code_size);
				code[cur_code] = true;
				foreach (Type tc in tt.Children)

				code_dict.Add(tt.m_code = code, tt);
				bitpos2type[cur_code] = tt;

			/// determine codes for the GLB types which will be needed to close the graph
			Type[] rg_tfs = type_dict.Values.Where(t => t.m_flags != Type.Flags.Leaf).ToArray();
			while (true)
				List<Type> added_glbs = new List<Type>();
				for (int i = TopId + 1; i < rg_tfs.Length; i++)
					Type t0 = rg_tfs[i];
					BitArr ba0 = t0.m_code;
					for (int j = i + 1; j < rg_tfs.Length; j++)
						Type t1 = rg_tfs[j];
						// todo: fast test and with hash
						if (ba0.FastTest(t1.m_code))
							BitArr z = ba0.AndWithHash(t1.m_code);
							ushort thislevel = t0.m_level;
							if (t1.m_level > thislevel)
								thislevel = t1.m_level;
							Type glbt;
							if (code_dict.TryGetValue(z, out glbt))
								if (thislevel > glbt.m_level)
									glbt.m_level = thislevel;
								glbt = AddType("glbtype" + (next_glb_num++), null);
								glbt.m_flags |= Type.Flags.GlbType;
								glbt.m_code = z;
								glbt.m_level = thislevel;
								code_dict.Add(z, glbt);
				if (added_glbs.Count == 0)
				rg_tfs = added_glbs.ToArray();

			c_types = code_dict.Count;
			if (c_types >= (int)Edge.Flag.LowestFlagValue)
				throw new Exception(String.Format("System supports a maximum of {0} types and {1} types were specified.", (int)Edge.Flag.LowestFlagValue, c_types));
			c_t_bits = BitArr.HighestOne(c_types) + 1;

			/// sort all types including the new GLB types into a certain topological order
			type_arr = code_dict
							.OrderBy(e => e.m_level)
							.ThenByDescending(e => e.m_code.OnesCount())

			/// create a set of negations for all the codes, for use in step 1.
			BitArr[] notcodes = new BitArr[c_types];
			for (int i = 0; i < c_types; i++)
				notcodes[i] = ~type_arr[i].m_code;

			int ops = 0;
			List<Type> draft = new List<Type>();
			BitArr r = new BitArr(code_size);
			for (int i = c_types - 1; i > 0; i--)
				Type node = type_arr[i];

				/// node ids correspond to their index in 'type_arr'. Set it now.
				node.m_id = (int)i;

				/// Looking only at GLBs, we can directly obtain the transitive closure of the graph by carefully manipulating 
				/// their parents and children.
				if (!node.IsGlb)

				/// 1. This GLB as a parent: add its children
				/// 1a. get a list of draft candidates: all descendants of 'node'
				/// The order in which these are added is important because it determines the order of testing children 
				/// in step 1b. It's just a topological order. The list is needed because children may be eliminated from
				/// the list before the point at which they'd otherwise be added.
				for (int j = i + 1; j < c_types; j++)
					Type leafwards = type_arr[j];
					if (!leafwards.m_code.FastTest(notcodes[i]))
						AddGlb(j, i, (Edge.Flag)leafwards.m_id);

				/// 1b. pick the subset of immediate children from this list
				/// While the list is not empty, add the oldest item as a child and then remove all of its descendants from the 
				/// list.
				while (draft.Count > 0)
					Type new_child = draft[0];

					if (!new_child.IsGlb)
						foreach (Type par in new_child.Parents.ToArray())
							if (node.m_code.AndGivesExact(par.m_code))

					for (int q = 0; q < draft.Count; q++)
						if (draft[q].m_code.AndGivesExact(new_child.m_code))

				/// 2. This GLB as a child: add its parents
				/// 2a. get a list of draft candidates between 'node' and *top*
				BitArr nc = node.m_code;
				for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
					Type topwards = type_arr[j];
					if ((topwards.m_flags & Instance.Flags.Leaf) == 0)
						if (nc.AndGivesExact(topwards.m_code))
							if (j > 0)
								AddGlb(i, j, (Edge.Flag)node.m_id);

				/// 2b. pick a minimal set of parents from this list.
				/// Each selection allows us to eliminate others others from the list. This effect is maximized by starting 
				/// with candidates with the fewest additional bits set beyond the required match. This was the reason for
				/// the secondary sort on 'arr' above.
				for (int j = 0; j < draft.Count; j++)
					Type parent = draft[j];
					if (parent.m_code.FastTestNotArg(r))
						for (int k = j + 1; k < draft.Count; k++)
							if (parent.m_code.AndGivesExact(draft[k].m_code))
						// all GLB-to-GLB edges are all added as children, above
						if (!parent.IsGlb)
							foreach (uint bit_pos in nc.OnesPositions())

			for (int i = 1; i < c_types; i++)
				Type parent = type_arr[i];
				if (!parent.IsGlb)
					foreach (Type child in parent.AllDescendants)
						AddGlb(i, child.m_id, (Edge.Flag)child.m_id);

			Console.WriteLine("types {0} closed {1} glb {2} ops {3}", code_size, type_arr.Length, type_arr.Length - code_size, ops);

			Debug.Assert(type_arr[TopId] == TopType && TopType.m_id == TopId);

		public void LoadFeatures()
			/// The uninitialized value (zero) of the HasAnyFeatures flag means the type is unconstrainable.
			/// Mark all types below any occurrence of a constraint as non-atomic.
			/// One problem with this code is that the tdl, "t := *top* & [ ]." will cause 't' and its descendants
			/// to be marked as having features
			foreach (Type tt in type_arr)
				if ((tt.m_flags & (Type.Flags.HasConstraints | Type.Flags.HasAnyFeatures)) == Type.Flags.HasConstraints)

			/// Atomic types are those featureless types without features in their subgraph
			foreach (Type tt in type_arr)
				if ((tt.m_flags & (Type.Flags.HasAnyFeatures | Type.Flags.Atomic)) == 0)
					HashSet<Type> hs = tt.AllDescendants;
					if (!hs.Any(e => e.HasAnyFeatures))
						tt.m_flags |= Type.Flags.Atomic;
						foreach (Type tta in hs)
							tta.m_flags |= Type.Flags.Atomic;

			// Add features to a maximal introduction table
			// References:
			// Ann Copestake "The Compleat LKB" 1993, p. 93.
			// Carroll, Copestake, Malouf, Oepen - LKB checktypes.lsp
			// Ann Copestake "Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars" 2002

			Dictionary<String, List<Type>> _maximal_types = new Dictionary<String, List<Type>>();

			foreach (Type tt in type_arr.Where(e => e.HasAnyFeatures && e.m_bfc != null))
				foreach (BaseFeatConstraint bfc in tt.m_bfc)
					if (bfc[0].t != TdlTok.Type.Identifier)
						TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(bfc[0], "Expected an identifier");
					String feat = bfc[0].i_s;

					List<Type> l;
					if (_maximal_types.TryGetValue(feat, out l))
						if (!l.Any(e => tt.IsSubtypeOf(e)))
							bool f_any = false;
							for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++)
								if (l[i] == tt || l[i].IsSubtypeOf(tt))
									if (f_any)
										l[i] = tt;
										f_any = true;
							if (!f_any)
						l = new List<Type>() { tt };
						_maximal_types.Add(feat, l);

			// Set the local features. Check for multiple introduction
			int i_feat = 0;
			foreach (var kvp in _maximal_types)
				Debug.Assert(kvp.Value.Count != 0, "Internal error in temporary maximal types computation.");

				List<Type> lt = kvp.Value;
				Type max_type = lt[0];

				/// Feature should be introduced by only one type in the type hierarchy
				if (lt.Count > 1)
					TdlTokenizer.ErrorExit(String.Format("Feature {0} is introduced at multiple types ({1})",
						lt.Select(tt => tt.Name).StringJoin(", ")));

				/// add the feature and associate it with its maximal introducing type
				feat_map.Add(kvp.Key, new FeatureInfo(kvp.Key, i_feat, max_type));

			_maximal_types = null;

			// construct reverse table which maps the feature index back to the feature info
			feat_arr = new FeatureInfo[i_feat];
			foreach (var fi in feat_map.Values)
				feat_arr[fi.i_feat] = fi;

			// Do the following in topological order
			for (int i = 0; i < c_types; i++)

			// freeze feature configurations. will bind FCs to tray later
			fc_by_index = fcm.OrderBy(fc => fc.ConfigIndex).ToArray();

			fc_by_type = type_arr.Select(t => t.fc).ToArray();

			rgrgfix_by_type = rgrgfix_autotune = type_arr.Select(t => t.fc.rg_fix).ToArray();

		///	<summary>
		/// Re-tune the feature unification order based on observed running failure counts
		/// </summary>
		public void Autotune()
			rgrgfix_autotune = type_arr.Select(t => t.fc.rg_fix_autotune).ToArray();

		///	<summary>
		/// Resolve some static types
		/// </summary>
		public void ResolveSpecialTypes()
			if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(config.types.string_type, out StringType))
				//StringType = AddType(config.types.string_type, null);
				throw new TdlException("The string type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.types.string_type);
			this.StringId = strings.string_id = StringType.m_id;

			FeatureInfo fi;
			if (!feat_map.TryGetValue(config.types.f_list_head, out fi))
				throw new TdlException("The list head feature '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.types.f_list_head);
			f_ix_list_head = fi.i_feat;
			tt_list_head = fi.maximal_type;

			if (!feat_map.TryGetValue(config.types.f_list_tail, out fi))
				throw new TdlException("The list tail feature '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.types.f_list_tail);
			f_ix_list_tail = fi.i_feat;

			if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(config.types.typs_list, out tt_list))
				throw new TdlException("The list type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.types.typs_list);

			if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(config.types.typs_empty_list, out tt_empty))
				throw new TdlException("The empty list type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.types.typs_empty_list);

			if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(config.types.typs_diff_list, out tt_dlist_list))
				throw new TdlException("The difference list type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.types.typs_diff_list);

			if (!feat_map.TryGetValue(config.types.f_dlist_list, out fi))
				throw new TdlException("The difference list 'LIST' feature '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.types.f_dlist_list);
			f_ix_dlist_list = fi.i_feat;

			if (!feat_map.TryGetValue(config.types.f_dlist_last, out fi))
				throw new TdlException("The difference list 'LAST' feature '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.types.f_dlist_last);
			f_ix_dlist_last = fi.i_feat;

			tt_dlist_last = tt_list;

			if (!type_dict.TryGetValue(config.grammar.typs_key_daughter, out tt_key_daughter))
				/// LKB sample grammars do not define the LKB default asserted type '+' for KEY-ARG
				Console.Error.WriteLine("warning: The key daughter path type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.grammar.typs_key_daughter);
				config.grammar.typs_key_daughter = config.types.top_type;
				tt_key_daughter = TopType;
				//throw new TdlException("The key daughter path type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.typs_key_daughter);

			String s = config.nodeLabels.LabelTemplateType;
			if (s != null && !type_dict.TryGetValue(s, out tt_label))
				throw new TdlException("The node label template type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config.nodeLabels.LabelTemplateType);

			s = config.nodeLabels.MetaTemplateType;
			if (s != null && !type_dict.TryGetValue(s, out tt_meta))
				//throw new TdlException("The node meta template type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", config._NodeLabelConfiguration.MetaTemplateType);

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public void ResolveSpecialEntries()
			if (config.grammar.start_symbols == null)
				config.grammar.start_symbols = new List<String> { "root" };
			rgtt_start_symbols = new StartSymbol[config.grammar.start_symbols.Count];
			int i = 0;
			foreach (String ss in config.grammar.start_symbols)
				Entry e;
				if (!entry_dict.TryGetValue(ss, out e))
					entry_dict.Add(ss, e = new StartSymbol(TopType, ss, null));
					//throw new TdlException("Start symbol type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", ss);
				if ((rgtt_start_symbols[i] = e as StartSymbol) == null)
					throw new TdlException("Type '{0}', which is listed as a start symbol, was not defined in the start symbols file.", ss);

			if (config.parser.span_only_rules != null && config.parser.span_only_rules.Count > 0)
				foreach (String ss in config.parser.span_only_rules)
					Entry ent;
					if (!entry_dict.TryGetValue(ss, out ent))
						throw new TdlException("Span only rule type '{0}' was not defined in any TDL file.", ss);
					var gr = ent as GrammarRule;
					if (gr == null)
						throw new TdlException("Span only rule type '{0}' is not a grammar rule.", ss);
					gr.IsSpanOnly = true;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public void Petrify()
			/// calculate how many bits will be used for stringid/typeid
			int c_f_bits = 32 - BitArr.HighestOne((int)Edge.Flag.LowestFlagValue);
			int c_s_bits = BitArr.HighestOne(strings.Count) + 1;
			int c_ts_bits = Math.Max(c_t_bits, c_s_bits);

			if ((Edge.Flag)((1 << c_ts_bits) - 1) > Edge.Flag.MultiIdMask)
				throw new TdlException("Too many types ({0}) or strings ({1}) defined in the type hierarchy.", c_types, strings.Count);


			var fconfigs = AllTypes
							.Select(t => new { type = t, features = t.fc })
							.GroupBy(a => a.features, a => a.type)

			Console.WriteLine("{0} types ({1}b), {2} strings ({3}b), {4} feat in {5} configurations (max feat/type {6}). -> edge bits: flags:{7} fconfigs:{8} sid/tid: {9}",
				fconfigs.Max(grp => grp.Key.Count),
				32 - c_f_bits - c_ts_bits,
			f_petrified = true;

		public bool IsPetrified { get { return f_petrified; } }

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public void TypePatternReport()
			int node_count = 0;
			int distinct_TC = 0;

			var nodes = g.loadtray.Pools
				.SelectMany(cp => cp.PoolMarks)
				.GroupBy(pm => pm._in_mark)

			foreach (var zx in nodes
				.Select(grp => new
					types_used = grp.Select(pm => pm.ConstraintType)
									.OrderBy(t => t.m_id)
									.Select(t => t.m_id.ToString())
					fc = fcm.Get(grp.Select(pm => pm.Pool.i_feat))
				.GroupBy(a => a.fc, a => a.types_used))
				String[] vz = zx.Distinct().ToArray();
				//Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1} features\t{2} uses\t{3} distinct", zx.Key, zx.Key.Count, zx.Count(), vz.Length);
				foreach (var zs in vz.Take(100))
					//				Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", zs);

				distinct_TC += vz.Length;
				node_count += zx.Count();
			Debug.Assert(node_count == nodes.Length);

			int c_allbarenodes = nodes
				.Where(grp => grp.All(pm => pm.Constraint.Mark == 0))

			double avg_eligible_load = nodes
				.Where(grp => grp.All(pm => pm.Constraint.Mark == 0))
				.Average(grp => grp.Count());

			Console.WriteLine("nodes {0}  distinct TC {1}  {2:00.00}%  all-bare nodes {3}  {4:00.00}%  avg. load {5:00.00}",
				100.0 * distinct_TC / node_count,
				100.0 * c_allbarenodes / node_count,

			//if (Unification.c_all_unif != 0.0)
			//    Console.WriteLine("unif {0} / {1}  {2:00.00}%", Unification.c_skip_unif, Unification.c_all_unif, 100.0 * Unification.c_skip_unif / Unification.c_all_unif);
			//if (Unification.c_all_feat != 0.0)
			//    Console.WriteLine("feat {0} / {1}  {2:00.00}%", Unification.c_skip_feat, Unification.c_all_feat, 100.0 * Unification.c_skip_feat / Unification.c_all_feat);

			//Unification.c_skip_unif = 0;
			//Unification.c_all_unif = 0;

			//Unification.c_skip_feat = 0;
			//Unification.c_all_feat = 0;