using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

using miew.Enumerable;

namespace agree
	/// <summary>
	/// A value type for transforming TDL tokens (in the form of BaseFeatureConstraints) into persisted TFSs.
	/// </summary>
	public sealed class TdlNavigator : IEnumerator<TdlTok>, IDisposable
		public TdlNavigator(Tfs tfs, Instance inst)
			this.tfs = tfs;
			this.inst = inst;
			this.pp = default(TdlParsePos);
			this.corefs = null;
			this.edge_out = default(Edge);

		readonly Instance inst;
		TypeMgr tm { get { return; } }
		Edge edge_out;
		Tfs tfs;

		Dictionary<String, Coreference> corefs;

		TdlParsePos pp;

		/// <summary>
		/// Private helper class for use by TdlNavigator
		/// </summary>
		class Coreference : HashSet<ConstraintRef>
			public Coreference(TdlTok tok)
				this.tok = tok;
			public TdlTok tok;

			public override String ToString()
				return String.Format("#{0}  {1}", tok.i_s, this.Select(x => new FeatMark(x.i_feat, x.Host.Mark)).StringJoin(" "));

		void AddCoref(String tag, TdlTok tok, ConstraintRef cref)
			((MarkingTfs)tfs).ChangeEdgeCoreference(cref.FeatMark, true);

			Coreference ent;
			if (corefs == null)
				corefs = new Dictionary<String, Coreference> { { tag, ent = new Coreference(tok) } };
			else if (!corefs.TryGetValue(tag, out ent))
				corefs.Add(tag, ent = new Coreference(tok));

		/// <summary>
		/// update coreference table
		/// </summary>
		bool UpdateCoref(int in_mark, Edge e_target)
			/// we don't want to include the host type in our search for matches in the coreference table
			/// because unification is permitted
			foreach (Coreference cr in corefs.Values)
				foreach (ConstraintRef cref in cr)
					/// we don't want to include the host type in our search for matches in the coreference table
					/// because unification is permitted
					if (cref.Host.Mark == in_mark)
						/// found a match in the table. check that the host types unify.
						if (!tm.CanUnify(e_target.FlagsId, cref.Host.FlagsId))
							return false;

						/// patch the coreference table to reflect the upcoming change
						cr.Add(new ConstraintRef(tfs, e_target, cref.i_feat));
						break;										// can we double-break here?
			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// fixup coreferences
		/// </summary>
		void IDisposable.Dispose()
			if (corefs != null)
				var incomplete_coref = corefs.FirstOrDefault(tt => tt.Value.Count < 2);
				if (!incomplete_coref.Equals(default(KeyValuePair<String, TdlNavigator.Coreference>)))
					throw new TdlException(incomplete_coref.Value.tok, "Coreference tag #{0} only used once", incomplete_coref.Key);

				List<String> tags_done = new List<String>();
				foreach (TdlNavigator.Coreference coref in corefs.Values)
					/// enumerate the cached structures.
					var ie = coref.GetEnumerator();

					/// destructively unify the remaining edges into the starting edge
					ConstraintRef cr_cur = ie.Current;
					while (ie.MoveNext())
						/// The edge under cr_cur changeshere, so make sure to retrieve and set the (final) new edge in a 
						/// separate pass, below
						if (!DestructiveUnifyNoCoreference(cr_cur, ie.Current.Constraint))
							throw new Exception();

					Edge e_cur = cr_cur.Constraint;
					if (!e_cur.IsCoreferenced)
						e_cur = ((MarkingTfs)tfs).CreateRecycledEdge(tm.GetEdgeType(e_cur.FlagsId), e_cur.Mark, true);

					// set the new edge into all the sources
					foreach (ConstraintRef cr in coref)
				corefs = null;

		/// <summary>
		/// This function is only used when fixing-up coreferences that appear within a single definition. Therefore,
		/// e1 and e2 are known to be inside the TFS and either can be returned. The exception is the case of the glb
		/// being neither type, when we allocate a new edge
		/// </summary>
		bool DestructiveUnifyNoCoreference(ConstraintRef cr1, Edge e2)
			Edge e1 = cr1.Constraint;

			Edge e_tmp;
			if (((e1.FlagsId | e2.FlagsId) & Edge.Flag.EtmString) != 0)
				if (!tm.strings.Unify(e1.Mark != 0 ? e1.Mark : e2.Mark, e1, e2, (MarkingTfs)tfs, out e_tmp))
					return false;
				return true;

			int id1 = (int)(e1.FlagsId & Edge.Flag.MultiIdMask);
			int id2 = (int)(e2.FlagsId & Edge.Flag.MultiIdMask);

			if (id1 == 0)
				if (id2 != 0)
				return true;
			if (id2 == 0)
				return true;

			int glb_id = tm.GetGlbCheckTopAndIdentity(id1, id2);
			if (glb_id == -1)
				return false;

			if (glb_id == id1)
				return DestructiveUnifyInFeatures(e1, e2);

			if (glb_id == id2)
				return DestructiveUnifyInFeatures(e2, e1);

			e_tmp = ((MarkingTfs)tfs).CreateEdge(tm.type_arr[glb_id], true);
			if (!DestructiveUnifyInFeatures(e_tmp, e2) || !DestructiveUnifyInFeatures(e_tmp, e1))
				return false;
			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		bool DestructiveUnifyInFeatures(Edge e1, Edge e2)
			foreach (int fix in tm.rgrgfix_by_type[(int)(e2.FlagsId & Edge.Flag.MultiIdMask)])
				Edge ne2;
				if (!tfs.TryGetEdge(fix, e2.Mark, out ne2))

				Edge ne1;
				if (!tfs.TryGetEdge(fix, e1.Mark, out ne1))
					/// the destructive target has no edge specified so we will hijack the other edge into the TFS
					/// by just changing its in-mark. First add a duplicate under the new mark, then remove it below
					tfs.SetEdge(fix, e1.Mark, ne2);
				else if (ne1.Mark != ne2.Mark || ne1.FlagsId != ne2.FlagsId)
					if (!DestructiveUnifyNoCoreference(new ConstraintRef(tfs, e1, fix), ne2))
						return false;

				/// If the other edge is coreferenced, then we know that something in the coreference table is 
				/// pointing at it, so prior to removing it, we must find those entries and update them.
				if (ne2.IsCoreferenced && !UpdateCoref(e2.Mark, e1))
					return false;

				/// remove the garbage edge
				tfs.RemoveEdge(fix, e2.Mark);
			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Entry point for this structure
		/// </summary>
		public void AcceptBaseConstraint(ConstraintRef cref, BaseFeatConstraint bfc)
			edge_out = cref.Host;
			pp = new TdlParsePos(bfc);
			if (pp.MoveNext())
				AcceptFeatures(cref, TdlTok.TokMap_Empty);
			if (!pp.Eof)
				throw new TdlException(pp.Current, "TDL parser returned without using all tokens.");

		Edge AcceptFeatures(ConstraintRef cr_base, byte[] tok_map)
			ConstraintRef cr = cr_base;
			while (!pp.Eof)
				//  _                 _
				// |  current          |
				// |  FEAT  type & ... |
				// |_ ^               _|

				VerifyTokenType(TdlTok.Type.Identifier, "Expected a feature name (1)");

				int i_feat = tm.GetFeatureIndex(pp.CurString);
				if (!cr.HostType.HasFeature(i_feat))
					Type tt_maximal = tm.GetMaximalTypeForFeature(i_feat);
					int glb_id;
					if ((glb_id = tm.GetGlbCheckTopAndIdentity(cr.HostType.m_id, tt_maximal.m_id)) == -1)
						throw new TdlException(Current, "Error inferring type. '{0}' is not appropriate for  '{1}'. (Maximal type '{1}' for feature '{0}' does not unify with previously seen type '{2}'.)", pp.CurString.ToUpper(), cr.HostType.Name, tt_maximal.Name);
					cr_base = cr;

				TdlTok.Type tok = MoveNextThrow().t;

				// Follow a path specification
				if (tok == TdlTok.Type.Dot)
					VerifyTokenType(TdlTok.Type.Identifier, "Error following feature path specification. Expected a feature name after '.'");

					//  _                    _
					// | current              |
					// | F1 . F2  type &  ... |
					// |_     ^              _|
					// If the next feature in the path is not appropriate for the current type, now is the time to infer 
					// a more specific type by peeking ahead. To that feature, assign a node with a type corresponding to 
					// the maximal type for the next feature in the path. 
					i_feat = tm.GetFeatureIndex(pp.CurString);
					if (!cr.ConstraintType.HasFeature(i_feat))
						Type tt_maximal = tm.GetMaximalTypeForFeature(i_feat);
						if (!cr.UnifyInConstraintType(tt_maximal))
							throw new TdlException(Current, "Error inferring type. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with maximal type {2} ", cr.ConstraintType.Name, pp.CurString.ToUpper(), tt_maximal.Name);
					cr = cr.NextConstraint(i_feat);
				else if (tok == TdlTok.Type.Identifier || tok == TdlTok.Type.Tag || tok == TdlTok.Type.SquareOpen ||
							tok == TdlTok.Type.AngleOpen || tok == TdlTok.Type.DifferenceListOpen || tok == TdlTok.Type.String)
					//  _                 _
					// | current           |
					// | FEAT  type &  ... |
					// |_      ^          _|
					AcceptType(cr, tok_map);

					if (pp.Eof || tok_map[(int)pp.CurType] == 1)
						return cr_base.Host;

					// restore the parse level after (possibly) accepting a dotted feature path
					cr = cr_base;
					throw new TdlException(Current, "Expected: '.', type identifier, tag, '[', '<', or '<!'.");
			throw new TdlException(Current, "Unexpected end of token stream while parsing TDL.");

		Edge AcceptList(ConstraintRef cr, int c_parts)
			if (!cr.UnifyInConstraintType(tm.tt_list_head))
				throw new TdlException(Current, "Error expanding list. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with list type {2} ", cr.ConstraintType.Name, cr.Feature.ToUpper(), tm.tt_list_head.Name);

			ConstraintRef cref_fwd = cr;
			if (c_parts-- > 0)
				cref_fwd = cr.NextConstraint(tm.f_ix_list_head);
				AcceptType(cref_fwd, TdlTok.TokMap_AngCl_Comma_Dot);

				// select feature 'REST'

				Type term_type = tm.tt_list;
				if (Current.t == TdlTok.Type.Dot)
					Debug.Assert(c_parts == 1, "should have prevented dotted pair with >2 parts during tokenization");
					//  _                            _
					// | current                      |
					// | FEAT    < a . b >            |
					// |_            ^               _|
					AcceptType(cref_fwd, TdlTok.TokMap_AngCl);
				else if (Current.t == TdlTok.Type.Comma)
					if (Current.t == TdlTok.Type.Ellipsis)
						Debug.Assert(c_parts == 0);
				else if (Current.t == TdlTok.Type.AngleClose)
					Debug.Assert(c_parts == 0);
					term_type = tm.tt_empty;

				if (
					term_type==tm.tt_empty &&
					throw new TdlException(Current, "Error expanding list. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with list type {2} ", cref_fwd.ConstraintType.Name, cref_fwd.Feature.ToUpper(), term_type.Name);

				/// recurse down list parts
				if (c_parts > 0)
					cr.SetConstraint(AcceptList(cref_fwd, c_parts));
			return cr.Host;	// caller must propagate it upwards

		Edge AcceptDifferenceList(ConstraintRef cr, int c_parts, String last_coref)
			if (!cr.UnifyInConstraintType(tm.tt_list_head))
				throw new TdlException(Current, "Error expanding difference list. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with list type {2} ", cr.ConstraintType.Name, cr.Feature.ToUpper(), tm.tt_list_head.Name);

			ConstraintRef cref_fwd = cr;
			if (c_parts-- > 0)
				cref_fwd = cr.NextConstraint(tm.f_ix_list_head);
				AcceptType(cref_fwd, TdlTok.TokMap_DlsCl_Comma);

				// select feature 'REST'

				if (!cref_fwd.UnifyInConstraintType(tm.tt_list))
					throw new TdlException(Current, "Error expanding difference list. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with list type {2} ", cref_fwd.ConstraintType.Name, cref_fwd.Feature.ToUpper(), tm.tt_list.Name);

				if (Current.t == TdlTok.Type.Comma)

				if (Current.t == TdlTok.Type.DifferenceListClose)
					Debug.Assert(c_parts == 0);

				if (c_parts > 0)
					/// recurse down list parts

					cr.SetConstraint(AcceptDifferenceList(cref_fwd, c_parts, last_coref));
					return cr.Host;
			AddCoref(last_coref, Current, cref_fwd);
			return cr.Host;	// caller must propagate it upwards

		void AcceptType(ConstraintRef cr, byte[] tok_map)
			// Unify together (multiple) type- and feature-structure constraints on this feature separated by TOK_AMP
			//  _                                        _
			// | current                                  |
			// | FEAT    type & #tag & [constraint] & ... |
			// |_        ^                               _|
			while (!pp.Eof)
				Type tt;
				TdlTok.Type ttok = pp.CurType;
				if (ttok == TdlTok.Type.Identifier)
					if (!cr.UnifyInConstraintType(tt = tm.LookupType(Current)))
						throw new TdlException(Current, String.Format("existing type {0} on feature {1} failed to unify with {2}", cr.ConstraintType.Name, cr.Feature.ToUpper(), tt.Name));
				else if (ttok == TdlTok.Type.String)
					Edge existing_edge = cr.Constraint;
					String es = tm.GetStringValue(existing_edge.FlagsId);
					if (es != null && es != Current.i_s)
						throw new TdlException(Current, String.Format("string value '{0}' for feature {1} failed to unify with string '{2}'", es, cr.Feature.ToUpper(), Current.i_s));
						/* must unify down to string */
						int glb_id;
						if (!tm.IsTopId(existing_edge) && (glb_id = tm.GetGlbCheckTopAndIdentity(tm.GetEdgeType(existing_edge.FlagsId).m_id, tm.StringType.m_id)) == -1)
							throw new TdlException(Current, String.Format("existing type {0} on feature {1} failed to unify with string type '{2}'", cr.ConstraintType.Name, cr.Feature.ToUpper(), tm.StringType.Name));
				else if (ttok == TdlTok.Type.Tag)
					AddCoref(pp.CurString, Current, cr);
				else if (ttok == TdlTok.Type.SquareOpen)

					if (pp.CurType == TdlTok.Type.SquareClose)
						//   < [ ] , ... >
						//       ^
						//	(do nothing)
						VerifyTokenType(TdlTok.Type.Identifier, "Expected a feature name (2)");

						// infer type by peeking ahead in the given path
						int i_feat_next = tm.GetFeatureIndex(pp.CurString);
						if (i_feat_next == -1)
							throw new TdlException(Current, "Error inferring type. Feature {0} was not defined for any type", pp.CurString.ToUpper());
						if (!cr.ConstraintType.HasFeature(i_feat_next))
							if (!cr.UnifyInConstraintType(tt = tm.GetMaximalTypeForFeature(i_feat_next)))
								throw new TdlException(Current, "Error inferring type. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with maximal type {2}", cr.ConstraintType.Name, pp.CurString.ToUpper(), tt.Name);

						// recurse to build a TFS for the contents of the square brackets
						cr.SetConstraint(AcceptFeatures(cr.NextConstraint(i_feat_next), TdlTok.TokMap_SqCl));
				else if (ttok == TdlTok.Type.AngleOpen)
					//  _                            _
					// | current                      |
					// | FEAT    < >                  |
					// |           ^                  |
					// | FEAT    < ... >              |
					// |           ^                  |
					// | FEAT    < type ...  >        |
					// |           ^                  |
					// | FEAT    < #tag ... >         |
					// |           ^                  |
					// | FEAT    < [ constraint ... > |
					// |_          ^                 _|

					int c_parts = Current.c_parts;

					if (c_parts > 0)
						AcceptList(cr, c_parts);
						if (!cr.UnifyInConstraintType(tm.tt_empty))
							throw new TdlException(Current, "Error expanding list. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with empty list type {2}", cr.ConstraintType.Name, cr.Feature.ToUpper(), tm.tt_empty.Name);
				else if (ttok == TdlTok.Type.DifferenceListOpen)
					int c_parts = Current.c_parts;

					String last_coref = "diff-list-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

					if (!cr.UnifyInConstraintType(tm.tt_dlist_list))
						throw new TdlException(Current, "Error expanding difference list. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with difference list type {2} ", cr.ConstraintType.Name, cr.Feature.ToUpper(), tm.tt_dlist_list.Name);

					ConstraintRef cref_dl = cr.NextConstraint(tm.f_ix_dlist_list);
					if (c_parts > 0)
						AcceptDifferenceList(cref_dl, c_parts, last_coref);
						if (!cref_dl.UnifyInConstraintType(tm.tt_list))
							throw new TdlException(Current, "Error expanding difference list. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with list type {2} ",
						AddCoref(last_coref, Current, cref_dl);

					// unify 'LAST list'
					if (!cref_dl.UnifyInConstraintType(tm.tt_list))
						throw new TdlException(Current, "Error expanding difference list. Existing type {0} for feature {1} failed to unify with list type {2} ",

					AddCoref(last_coref, Current, cref_dl);

					throw new TdlException(Current, "Expected a type, tag, or constraint specification");

				// either 1. we're done with all constraints 
				if (!MoveNext())

				// 2. we're done with a block grouped by [ x ]  < y , >  <! z , !>  < x . y > originating from this base level...
				ttok = pp.CurType;
				if (tok_map[(int)ttok] == 1)

				// 3. there are additional features constrained from this base level...
				if (ttok == TdlTok.Type.Comma)

				// 4. or there are additional constraints on this type.
			throw new TdlException(Current, "Unexpected end of token stream while parsing TDL.");

		/// More convenient access to the parse position
		public TdlTok Current { get { return pp.Current; } }
		object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get { return pp.Current; } }
		TdlTok MoveNextThrow(String error_msg = null) { return pp.MoveNextThrow(error_msg); }
		void VerifyTokenType(TdlTok.Type tt, String msg = null) { pp.VerifyTokenType(tt, msg); }
		public void Dispose() { pp.Dispose(); }
		public bool MoveNext() { return pp.MoveNext(); }
		public void Reset() { pp.Reset(); }

		public override String ToString()
			if (pp.bfc == null)
				return ("(null parse position)");
			String path = pp.bfc.Skip(Math.Max(pp.i - 1, 0)).Take(3).StringJoin(" ");
			String crf = corefs == null ? "(null)" : corefs.Count.ToString();
			return String.Format("{0} \"… {1} …\" corefs: {2}", inst.Name, path, crf);